
What can i do to keep my brother entertained?

by  |  earlier

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hey im 14 and im looking after my baby brother (14 months) while my family go out has anybody got any suggetions of what i can do to keep him occupied until they get back?




  1. Read him a story, or sing nursery rhymes to him?  Babies like the sound of your voice and the interaction of you talking to them, and singing.  Good luck. x

  2. Children love fresh air take him outside in the backyard or to a park. He'll love. If you know a place that has ducks bring some bread he will love throwing bread to the ducks

  3. Read him some stories and sing some nursery rhymes with him.

    Just play with him get some toys out and give him lots of lovely big sister/brother attention

  4. rock him to sleep when he wakes up play him with toys that makes sound or pops up then feed him .......yeah thats the basic exciting life of a baby  o n sing to him read to him listen to music together

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