
What can i do to keep my cat from jumping on everything?

by  |  earlier

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hes about a year old and jumps on every shelf ,countertop ,tv ,computer ,just everything and he doesnt care what he knocks off or lays on.i pretty much had to take everything off the shelves because everything ends up on the floor and i cant set a pop down with out him spilling it,he knocks off lamps,he really doesnt even use the floor he goes from table to tv to shelf to sofa to window sill,i dont know what to do about him.




  1. Let me start with LOL!  Those darn cats, thinking they can go anywhere and do anything they want.  Also, you said 'pop' so I know you are from the north LOL.  ANYWAYS.... at your local pet store, you can find a spray that deters cats from whatever you want.  I used it to get my cat to stop scratching furniture.  Also I heard two-ply tape keeps cats from going on shelves.  They don't like the feeling on their paws.  Your cat may require more exercise than a lazy house cat.  Try playing with him to wear him out (a laser pointer or dangling wand) or playing chase.  As far as spilling things over, it doesn't matter where i put my glass, Xxena always knocks it over.  I think it's just a ploy to get our attention.  Negative attention is better than no attention.  And to think, I got a cat cuz I thought it could entertain itself.  LOL  

  2. Get a spray bottle and fill it with water.  Anytime the cat jumps on something he is not supposed to, spritz him with water.  He will learn that this action carries a negative consequence and hopefully stop.

  3. i agree, the squirt-bottle will most likely work. but you have to remember he's still very young and very very curious. my cat is 3 and he plays just like a kitten.  

  4. My cat used to do this all the time. "Priceless vase in the way? Well we can just move this on the floor" One way to fix this is put Aluminum foil on all the surfaces he jumps on, for some reason cats hate the feel of it. It may not look pretty but it should do the job.

  5. i second the answer above mine, but just a word of caution- dont get your hopes up that his behavior is going to change.  by a year old theyre pretty set in their ways.

  6. tobasco sauce. it works

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