
What can i do to keep the humidity in, in my terrarium?

by Guest56282  |  earlier

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Well the top of my tank is open, what can i put on top to keep in the humidity?

Also how do i know its humid enough?




  1. I used to have a hard time with humidity in my terrarium. Now I use as damp dish towel to cover 1/2 - 1/3 of the top. It keeps the humidity up and isn't much work for me, I just have to re-wet the towel ever day or two.

    You should also get a hygrometer to measure the humidity. I suggest a small anolog one like this

  2. You need to cover the top to keep the moisture in. Mist the tank daily to keep the humidity up. Stores sell gauges that tell you what the humidity is in you tank. Good luck! =)

  3. OK cover the top of the tank wil a plastic lid with a few ventilation holes in it (not too many)

    or u could just cover the top of your tank with anything (humidity isnt getting up because there is too much ventilation

    and a hydrometer is like a thermometer for humidity

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