
What can i do to make a 1 year old sleep early???

by  |  earlier

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i have a cousin she dosent sleep! what can we do 2 make her sleep early??




  1. but her them to bed at the time they would go to bed and usally sleep then after a few days to a week , make it half hour earlier and so on, it worked a treat for me, my 3 and 1 year old share a room and i can put em to bed at half 6 and they sleep through to next morning, its a good way to get em in a routin,xx

  2. Take her to a park and let her run around until she is veeery tired. She will sleep the entire night lol and she'll thank you for a great day.

  3. try giving the child a bath before bed.


    bagnpet a link is un safe.

    bamsmxp c link is un safe


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