
What can i do to make money on the net. i'm a person who can no longer work because i'm disabled.?

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what can i do to make money on the net? i'm a person who can no longer work because i'm disabled.




  1. Make Money Online. It works with Google, Yahoo, Amazon, Ebay.

    Every business needs this patent pending software. It puts their business on the first page of Google for every keyword searched. Great to market to businesses, you earn $1 everytime they give away the software and you also get $1 every time you give away the software.  After you get a few businesses enrolled you can really start to make a good second income.

  2. This is FREE

    -No surveys

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    direct questions email me at:

  3. Write a book, like an ebook and sell it.

    Design web sites for people.

    Buy and sell on eBay.

  4. If you have any sort of writing ability, I would recommend you sign up for  You write articles for them and they can pay up front and then you get paid for everytime someone clicks on your article.  There are also other sites such as Helium and eHow.

    You can also start a blog and then add affiliate links.  Then when someone clicks on the link the affiliate site will pay you for it.

  5. sell some of your thinks on ebay

    go through clothes purses etc.

    people will buy anything

    then you could you to garage sales etc

    then resale on ebay

    think ebay has some classes or info on their site  to help you start

    good luck

  6. start a account with these people at first you might not get that much money but before you know it you will be geting alot of $$$.

    P.S- Hope this helps!

  7. There are several ways to make money on the net.  Starting an online biz can be just as much work as starting a regular one.  One of the most popular today is blogging.  This requires $0 to start. All you need to do is open an account with a free blogging service, like, and start adding content (posts). to make money you would add Google Adsense ads to your blog and some affiliate links. After this has been done, you just need to go out and promote your site (blog) by posting comments on other peoples blogs, social bookmarking site, etc.

    It's not a get rich quick plan, but if you work it right you can make a decent living.

  8. If you want to stay in touch with people, check this out:

    Everything can be done by phone, internet, or both.

  9. If your looking to make some extra cash this is a great site. Survey Savvy! Its totally real it really does pay you. super easy and free!  

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