
What can i do to make my book more fun?

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My school books are so boring and can i make it more fun and interesting to read?

PS. Sarcasting answers are strictly prohibited :P.




  1. Umm do you mean decorating them?? Make yourself some book covers out of paper bags and then you can doodle on them as much as you want!!

  2. Hmm.. come over stateside and I'll read to you ;p

  3. Just cover with a magical word and study the index

  4. Reward yourself with a cookie every 3 pages...sorry.heehee.

  5. All books are interesting in and of themselves, I think we ourselves make them interesting for us. If you think your books are boring it is because u think they are, but if you think they are interesting and try to enjoy studying every line of them, they will become interesting. it's somehow inculcating to yourself that they ARE interesting.

  6. well when i read i get ancy and want to move around, but i figured out and alternitive when i read. when i read i draw what i picture is going on in the book it not only makes me interested in the book im reading but it also helps me remember what the book was about and helps my drawing skills, you should give it a shot

  7. I wouldn't think of sarcasting.

    Have you tried secreting a comic inside your text books.

  8. dont think you could make it funner to read but you can decorate it!!

  9. OMG!

    Every year when I get my new school diary I cover up all of the rules on the inside and stick photos from my camera on there. All my friends love to see my diary and flick through it.

    you could always glue them onto the front and then put clear contact on over the top?

    have fun!!


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