
What can i do to make my brain think faster?

by Guest56958  |  earlier

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What can i do to make my brain think faster?




  1. Some people do mind games. Like cross words. Or other games based on speed to get themselves used to thinking on the spot.

  2. Do brain exercises like puzzles and strategy games (buy books or find computer games).  After practicing over and over, your brain will be able to think quickly.  I'm not sure if this would help in everyday life, but I know that your brain gets a good workout doing these.  Try sudoku or look up puzzle and strategy games to download.

  3. try practicing with puzzles, i do sudoku's all the time

  4. Well, when you smoke marijuana, you become more analytical and you think about the process it takes to do something in detail.

    It makes you creative. Try it once and turn on some music.

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