
What can i do to make my squidoo lens look better and generate traffic?

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Hi everyone,

I've just published my first squidoo lens:

How do people generate so much traffic? I'm new to the game...




  1. Hey,

    I'm assuming your Squidoo lens is your primary presence on the Web (as opposed to a website, blog, etc.) and you want your traffic to go there specifically.

    That being the case, it's good to generate inbound links by posting comments on related forums, blogs and other social sites - but make sure you post comments of value, otherwise you might get labeled as a spammer and banned. Include a link to your Lens with your signature, or as "natural" part of the text if it's allowed.

    Also, write articles related to your Lens topic and post them on some of the major article sites: ezinearticles, goarticles and similar sites. Pick the sites that rank highly in the search engines, and post there. You generally get better results when you submit to a few sites regularly, rather than submitting to a lot of sites all at once.

    The articles don't have to be long - 500 to 1000 words is often enough - but they should be of good quality otherwise they might be rejected. Again, include a link to your Lens in your author bio, or in the article text if the site allows it.

    And keep updating your Lens with new content regularly. The search engines love that. Squidoo Lenses already do well in the rankings, and the ones that are consistently updated do the best.

    As far as making your Lens look better, I'm not sure how much flexibility there is. I haven't experimented with my own Lenses much yet, but I use them more as tools to promote my blog and website so I haven't spent that much time on them.

    I see you've already added some pictures to your Lens, and that's good - they add some visual appeal. As far as altering formatting and moving things around goes, you can do some things from your dashboard but it's still a fairly simple interface. I think it's designed to be more user-friendly than high-powered.

    The truth is, you don't want your Lens to look too flashy anyway. Many readers are put off by too much "e-bling", and will click away because it annoys them. Sometimes simpler is better.

    Hope this helps!

    Robin B.

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