
What can i do to make myself look better??

by  |  earlier

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ok so i dont wear any foundation or anything on my face. i only wear eye liner [which i dont have on in those pics]

but i only wear it on my bottom lid, cuz i have small eye lids.

but what else can i do to make myself look better?

PLEASE try not to be so mean




  1. Try not to listen to girls who yell out "makeup" as if it's supposed to make you look better. I'm a guy and i personally prefer girls without makeup. Not only that natural looks better, makeup doesn't guarantee better looks. Try not to rush with it.

    You look just fine.

  2. You have really pretty hair but you should try mascara and eye shadow.

  3. You look pretty. In the pictures, you look like you are wearing makeup.

  4. Wow. You are seriously very pretty- no joke. And I'm NOT l***o. You have great bone structure, and really pretty eyes and hair. Maybe try glitter foundation, mascara, a little more eyeliner, and some volumizing lip gloss. I hope I could help.

  5. put on a little bit of makeup

  6. i think you're really realllyyy pretty!! but to give your face a little more excitement you should try lining your eyes with a bright eyeliner pencil like turquoise or something...whatever you like and then apply a little mascara.

    leave the lips nude and moisturized and try exfoliating twice a week to bring out the natural glow of your skin...dont start using skin makeup itll only make you break out and theres no point, you have beautiful skin!

  7. try wearing mascara


  9. excersize babe.

  10. i really like your hair when its straight.

    i think you should just wear eyeliner and some mascara.

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