
What can i do to make running easier?

by  |  earlier

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During field hockey practice we do a lot of running. I ran about every other day this summer to keep in shape, but i was def not prepared for this today in the heat.

At the beginning i was able to keep up with everybody else, but then i got a really bad cramp, and fell behind. How do i keep this cramp form forming, or how do i learn to put up with it while i run?

thanks a lot! <3




  1. drink water!!

    alot of it

  2. Hey, i was the same about a year ago. You just have to work a little at home on it. You are probably dehydrated, you definately should drink i lot more water/gatorade. But if you still feel slow, try running with ankle weights. It helped me a lot. Now i have the more stanima than anyone on the team.

    Hope you do well in field hockey.

  3. that happened to me today during my sprints, eat a banana, it helps out a lot, also i would not say use ankles weights they can lead to problems with tendons, but yeah running more often weill make it easier to keep up and pass the other members of your team  

  4. To help prevent cramps you should breath in through you&#039;re nose and breath out the same way, as if your smelling something. And every once in a while breath out through you&#039;re mouth.

    hope it helps :]

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