
What can i do to prepare for medical school?

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I'm a sophomore in high school, and i want to know what i can be doing now that will help me succeed or help my chances of getting in to medical school. if you need more details, or want to give a more thorough answer(=]), feel free to contact me via my answers profile. thanks!




  1. Med Schools are looking for well rounded students, that have interests and hobbies outside of medicine.  So, as long as you have at least first year University courses in English, Math, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry (Both Organic and Inorganic), you can study whatever you like in College.  If you really enjoy what you are studying, you will get higher marks, and have something to talk about at the interview.

    Also, see if you can do some work experience with various doctors, to get a feel for what the field is all about.  It gives you something to talk about in the interview, and might set you apart from other candidates.

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