
What can i do to prevent, or at least lessen, this oncoming problem?

by Guest32225  |  earlier

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i have quite severe depression. lately i have not been sleeping well at all - i keep waking up, am having nightmares most nights, about all sorts of things (i've had a couple in which my friends have died), and i've been getting more depressed lately, and having more suicidal thoughts. i go back to school in a week to start 6th form, and i'm terrified, and i just know that going back to school and being stressed again is going to bring on my depression quite severely. i haven't self-harmed for weeks, and although i'm craving it, i don't want to start again. and i don't want to be in that black hole of despair again where suicide is on my mind all the time.

how can i prevent/reduce this oncoming gloom? i know it's gonna happen, i reckon this lack of sleep is, if you like, a forewarning of worse to come.




  1. From personal experience, a nutritional diet to feed the brain. Your brain needs serotonin which you can get from many foods but cottage cheese or turkey are excellent sources. Cottage cheese on a baked potato will promote the happy hormones in your head. Exercise sends happy hormones around your body. I know these things sound boring to a teenager but, believe me, they work. Many cases of depression are caused by poor nutrition but doctors will prescribe anti-depressants rather than try to discuss a much simpler and more efficient method of raising your spirits. If this message makes you wonder about helping yourself nutritionally, you will find loads of books in the library about depression and how to help yourself out of it.

    I know that it would be wonderful if someone could just wave a wand and take away your stress and make life wonderful. You have the ability to do this for yourself - you just need to realise how.

  2. Hiya, have you talked to your gp or the professional you see about what you feel is going to happen? Are you on medication? I would suggest writing a list of things you can do to distract yourself when you feel like you are being pulled back into your depression and when you feel like self-harming or start having thoughts of suicide. This list could consist of things like keeping a journal, writing poetry, painting, going for a walk, meeting with friends so you can't do anything. If you have a list you can look at with distractions that are practical then you may be able to lift your mood.

    If you do get to a point where you feel like you want to self-harm or are having suicidal thoughts and your list of distractions hasn't worked then please talk to someone you trust, go to A&E or email me on

    You can beat this, when you feel yourself sliding back into depression sit and think: "I have a choice as to whether I allow myself to slip back into the place I probably feel is quite familiar, or I can choose to distract myself and try to keep my mood lifted"

    I hope this helps, as I said earlier if you need someone to talk to then please don't hesitate to contact me. x

  3. Hi,

    I can understand how you feel, I am not sure I will be able to suggest anything to really help, as unfortunately you cannot really avoid school. I am glad you're recieving professional help, is there anyway you can contact the person you see sooner and explain how your feeling.

    maybe you could write down a list of positive things about school, or write down the negitives and then challenge them with a positive.

    Could you tell one of your school friends how you feel so that they can help you through the first few days?

    Maybe arrange something for the first weekend after you go back to school that you would enjoy or look forward to, it may help you get though the first week which is hard.

    Maybe your parents could speak to your teachers about your worries so that they are aware of the situation?

    I hope things go better than you're predicting!

    best of luck!


  4. you have got to focus on the fact that everyone is made of the same stuff, we are all human with all our faults and failings - its just that some people are more able to cover up their failings better than others. nobody is better than you, focus on this and you should feel better. if you feel nervous, just try to picture the scene with the other person sitting on the loo naked!!!!!! but try not to get the giggles

  5. I would write a lengthy message if I could but I cant at the mo cos im so tired. Please follow these tips and see what works.

    1. Try and find the nearest CBT/REBT therapist.Most other therapies are not scientifiicaly validated and may let you down. CBT and REBT let you be constructive and let you get what you want.

    2. Read The book " A Guide To Rational Living" by Albert Ellis.

    3. Try Chamomile tea for anxiety.

    4. Buy "Hemi-Sync" Cds for relaxation. A scientific process called hemispheric synchronization via a sound process on these cds makes the brain relaxed.

    5.Excercise produces endorphins - the bodys natural opiate.

    6.Engaging hobby - an engaging hobby can be productive and help take our mind off of our worries

    7. EFT -EMotional Freedom Technique. Check out for the free manual.Sounds completely wacko, but it has helped SO MUCH in my life. And this is coming from a complete skeptic. I use this for pain, pyschological problems, fears,phobias etc.

    8.STOP CAFFEINE TOTALLY. Caffeine overloads the nervous system and taxes the amygdala, the brains alarm center. Dont eat cheese befor bedtime.

    9. No ALchohol.

    10 . Healthy sleep patterns and times.  

  6. If you are having suicidal thoughts get help NOW! Don't wait.

  7. Dude, I know I can't even help myself, so I must look like a hypocrite trying to give you advice, but at the very least, I CAN say that I know how you feel. I really do. I've had some really bad dreams in the past, myself. When my ex and I were still together, but we were having all these problems...I'd start having dreams about him leaving me. And I'd wake up, still terrified. And now that he really is gone, I've had just random dreams that scared me s***less. Like, people trying to kill me or some s***. And I remember waking up with my heart racing because I was so afraid, and I found myself crying hysterically when I woke up, even though I knew it was just a dream. I mean, I'm no psychologist or anything, but I'm pretty sure we have these dreams because of fear, stress, or nerves. You're afraid that you're going to start getting even more depressed once you start school...and I think that's why you're having the dreams. They're not trying to forewarn you. Trust me. And hey, I'm on AIM every single day. Right now, even. So if you need to talk, just let me know. I'm here for you, dude. Especially when you start school. That's a promise.

  8. If you are having suicidal thoughts you really need to first speak to the Samaritans 08457909090 then in the morning you need to make an urgent appointment with your GP who will at least be able to help you get the support you need.  lack of sleep will make things seem out-of-control, so apart from the above, also try relaxation tapes, or digging out a favourite comedy, anything to distract you from dark thoughts. You've been through a lot, losing your friends, a looming new term at school, but with the right will beat this..things will get better, just believe in yourself and keep talking whenever you get down.

    I wish you all the very best.

  9. Hi pullthetrigger,

    I understand what you are going through. I'm having a similar problem at the moment.

    I wouldn't normally say this but at this time it's the only thing I can think of for myself even. I also go to therapy once a week. Right now it's not enough. I'm going to go on meds again. Right now just for anxiety and sleep. Because of past suicide attempts I'm going to have someone disperse them to me. I'm going to try a med for Anxiety called Buspar. It's not addicting and will not cause you to pass out. It is supposed to keep you with a clear mind with hopefully not a lot of side effects. Of course all meds effect everyone differently, it just seems to be what I'm looking for.

    I think it's all about a quality of life. I don't know how you feel about them or if your already on them.

    You have a valid concern and you should be proud of yourself for not cutting.

    Take care and never give up!


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