
What can i do to reduce the chances of having a horrible hangover??

by  |  earlier

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Please dont say dont drink!!!!




  1. drink lots of water before you drink alcohol b/c alcohol dehydrates you

  2. there are many things you can do but first you have to start:;...

    here you can find all kinds of sites and info

    you allready made the first step, your decision to seek help shows you are mature enough to go on and get rid of this pain you buy yourself with hard earned money

  3. Drink plenty of water and eat something substantial while drinking. Alcohol dehydrates you so the water is essential.

  4. Stop drinking. go to a 12 step program. take back your life. It isn't worth it.

  5. The only certain remedy is to avoid being STUPID.

    (There.  I didn't say, "Don't drink."  Same thing, though.)

  6. Water, water, and more water between drinks and afterwards before you go to bed. My husband use to be a heavy drinker in younger years and he always made sure he had plenty of water to drink. He was the only one that never woke up dead. He never once had a hangover in all those years. What happens is Alcohol dehydrates you so that is why you get the headaches and vomitting. Just drink water. Guarantee to work.

  7. When drinking tequila use salt, that helps you retain fluids (often while people bloat.) If you drink gatorade too that will help you especially when faced with a bad hangover.

  8. pee while your drunk, drink water before you go to bed, and take pain relievers as soon as you wake up

  9. You're most likely getting a bad hang over because of the type of alcohol you are consuming. Dark alcohols like whiskey and red wine have methanol in them which cause hang overs while clear or light alcohols have little to no methanol. Try some vodka or white wine next time you go out. I'm sure you'll notice a difference.

  10. I've been trying to find an answer to this question too. I heard that taking advil and drinking alot of gatorade before you go to sleep helps. The gatorade because of the electrolytes. And more gatorade in the am. I haven't found something that works everytime. Also, I read that clear liquors (like vodka) are less likely to cause a hangover that dark ones (like whiskey). I feel like hangovers get worse and worse the older you get. I'm 25 now and I just started getting really bad ones recently, even though I drink the same stuff.

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