
What can i do to reduce wisdom teeth pain?

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I am in college and don't have time to get my wisdom teeth out but they have recently become very painful!!! besides tylenol does anyone have any ideas to ease pain?




  1. This happens to a lot of college students...which is why oral surgeons are always busy all summer and crazy busy during school breaks!

    If any of your wisdom teeth are partially erupted (you can see some tooth peeking through the gum), that means there's an opening for an infection to develop. If your pain is being caused by an infection, a prescription antibiotic will take care of it, but it will likely require a trip to the dentist. An infection is generally characterized by swelling in the infected area, and frequently the infection drains on it's own after a period of heightened pain ('s gross and tastes metallic, like sucking on a penny). There's not much you can do if the pain is coming from pressure on your back molars.

    You may not have time for the wisdom teeth to be removed, but you will need a consult first. If you get this first appointment out of the way, you can schedule the surgery for a time that you're on break.  

  2. Ok, I can feel your pain, as I just extracted my wisdom tooth few day ago, because of the trouble it is giving to me ...

    You can do the surgery during your holiday.. you only need a few days to rest.. normally 5 days Medical leave given.. and normally withing a week or 2 , you would feel as per normal.

    You can go to your family docter, and get some good pain killer.. I gotten Mefanic acid( forget how to spell exactly) .. it can help to reduce swelling and pain and it is quite effective .

    Also, do buy mouth wash , as you rinse it, it can prevent infection and help relieve pain too.. is effective.. if not use luckwarm water with salt... it helps too...

    Ok, for other remedies... drink honey water to reduce inflammation, it is a natural antiboties..

    The best is to go to your family docter immediately to get medcine that help to reduce swelling, infection etc... if you don't wish to go dentist now.. that's what I do in the past.. you can be fine within few days...


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