
What can i do to relieve the pain?

by  |  earlier

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i had a minor op at the start of the week and its resulted in stiches very close to my bum. the pain i am in is excruciating just now..i was at the hosp on thurs coz i couldnt poo due to pain. i can now poo but the pain is unbearable afterwards...i can't sit down, move or even lie on my back..can anyone help with how to relive this pain?




  1. Suncream has an anaesthetic in to maybe put on a sanitary pad and sit on.  You can also take ibuprofen paracetamol together.  you can keep your pain relief topped up by taking paracetamol then 2 hours later taking  ibuprofen.  and so forth.  as long as you don't take any more than 8 of each in 24 hours you are fine.  Good luck.

  2. I would phone the nhs helpline. They will be able to help. Or I would see a doctor asap. Did anyone explain there might be pain afterwards?

  3. you need to post what medication you are on already, somebody could recommend pain relief but it may react badly with any tablets you are already on..

    ..hope you feel better soon

  4. Zoom to your G.P. or outpatients and request panadeine forte.  It is double strength for any pain associated with operations.  

    They should have given this to you when departing the hospital, if you are not allergic to it.

    It was safe for me to use after a mountain bike accident, wisdom teeth out in the chair, and it made me slightly drowsy to sleep well.  

    That is dreadful sending you home with directions to take panadol and laxatives.  Stick on light foods such as vegies, fish, chicken, a mandarin twice a day until your pain eases up.  Tuna is easy on the tummy too.  Avoid longer digestive foods such as steak, pastas, white breads or bulky foods.  Cut down your portions too on your plate.  This all assists with pain near the bowel.  

    Air your stitches in the sun to heal and take off your undies to air as often as possible.  You will heal quicker.  There are anaesthetic based creams from the chemist however with stitches, there may not be any you are able to use until stiches are taken out.  Ask the Pharmacist about this. Hope you recover quickly.

  5. hi i use to work in a chemist and the best painkillers u can take is a anelgisic like paraceptomal and a anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen u can take these to together the anelgisc targets the pain and the anti-infammatory targets things like swelling take both together and this should relieve your pain but make sure that u buy ibuprofen that doesnt contain paraceptomal follow both pack instructions carefully  but if your on any medication the best thing to do is always check with your doctor 1st  IGNORE THE LAST COMMENT I LEFT YOU! :)

    the way your describing the pain sounds really bad i think u should def go back 2 ur doctor and he can prescribe much stronger painkillers u prob wont get anything at the chemist thats suitable 4 ur pain  go and see ur doctor i dont think u should be in this much pain :(

    best of luck hope u feel better very soon x

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