
What can i do to run faster?

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in other words what can i do to sprint faster? do you know any excercises? thanks.




  1. I'd recommend some offseason weight training.

    I did this one offseason in High School,  and I  became  a lot faster.  I wish I'd done it earlier in my brief running career.

    I didn't even really do anything fancy either.  I just did squats, toes raises, curls, etc,  just basic freeweight stuff.  I also did some stairmaster work to warm up & cool down.  You could probably check with a coach to get different ideas.

    Good luck!

  2. Do two things. Get very strong and practice short top speed sprints. Research proves the fastest runners don't collapse at the ankle/knee at ground contact. Try isometric dead lifts where you lift the bar off the rack and just hold position where your knee is almost straight and you are on ball of foot. Work up to several 10-30 second holds. Also try altitude drops where you jump off a chair landing on balls of feet with no collapse of ankle and knee. Continue to do under distance sprints at your top speed.

  3. Depends what you have at your disposal.  You want stronger legs.  Olympians run with a small parachute thing behind them to add resistance.  Resistance builds muscle, muscle is strength, and despite what cartoon taught us, strength gives speed.  Squats and hops would probably do ya good

  4. practice doesnt always make perfect. but thats what i'd suggest. practive. keep running, time yourself, try and set your own reccord. aim for your goal. lol and maybe eat pasta? mum used to feed me lots of pasta before carnival day at school, and interschool running. tasted good.

  5. I understand you are looking to find how to sprint faster however...

    When I was in HS I was a hurdler and one thing that took tenths off my time was mastering the blocks. You can get a good push at the start and help your game. It was advice from my coach; I took to heart and it helped. Good Luck!

  6. when i do intence cardio like running i keep water in my mouth to regulate my breathing. it keeps you from breathing through your mouth and keeps your breathing regular. try it it might help with you speed.

  7. first of all run, but u prolly already do dat, do squats with weights in da gym, nd use da leg machines dey got there, da ones with weights. and also wen u run dey got dese things dat u can put on ur ankles, theyre like sandbags nd use velcro to stick together those also go by weights.

  8. running up and down the stairs

    practice pumping your arms--fast

    make sure your cycles are quick and even

    don't run on your heels

    learn to breathe as you run

    practice lifting your legs (run against the wall with your hands on the wall and just run in place)

    squats and lunges for lower body strength

    abs workouts to strengthen the core

    have fun xD

  9. You can either run frequently and continually try it in quicker strides or you can purchase cheap resistance equipment and run with those.

  10. First I'll tell you about a great exercise, and then I'll tell you a secret about sprinting that I didn't know for years.

    If you go to a real bicycle shop instead of Target, WalMart, KMart, etc., and buy yourself a good bicycle, like Trek for example, that has toe clips or similar device on the pedals, and you learn how to pedal most efficiently with those devices, and do ride as a regular exercise,  all muscles and tendons of your legs will grow MUCH stronger, and will GREATLY enhance your ability to run sprints.  I know this because I've been an avid bicycle racer and rider for around 20 years, and have ridden thousands and thousands of miles, and even when I walk, I walk much faster than the "average Joe", and feel so light because of  my powerful legs that sometimes I feel like I need to somehow have my toes grip the ground just to keep me down on the planet, as weird or funny as that may sound.  But it's truer than true.

    Now, for the secret I promised you (though it may not be a secret to you).  When I was a lot younger, and a runner, I always took advantage of my long stride to propel me long distances, but I could never figure why I always LOST sprints. It wasn't until I was in my forties that I realized that if I shortened my stride in sprints, I'd be putting my feet down on the ground more often, and that contact between my feet and the ground is where the propulsion came from, so, the more I made that contact, the more propulsion came in a sprint.  I was too old to take advantage of that "discovery" I made, but, I've always wanted someone else to be able to benefit from it if they didn't already know it.  Interestingly enough, the old movie "Chariots of Fire" has supporting dialogue for my "discovery".  Get the movie and listen carefully to the coach that the Jewish young man hired privately to help him go faster than his chief rival, a Christian man who went to some British university with  him.  They also both competed in the Olympics in Berlin.  I can't remember the exact date of the Olympics, but Hitler was there.  Anyway, the coach trained the Jewish lad very well, and even though he never competed against his primary competitor, the Christian lad, he won his races.  Watch and listen to the coach as he takes the Jewish lad out for training.  And keep your stride shorter, and your steps quicker.  You're gonna be great.  God Bless you.

  11. learn to lengthen your stride.

    if you've ever been on the track team or seen them train, we do a lot of high-knees. those seem to help a lot. running over and over again really helps, even if it is a pain in the a**

  12. a quick tip is to point your toes up that is what my friends who are really good running backs do, and Resistance training dosent hurt.

  13. some say half the battle is to believe you can first do it,when you practice visually see yourself doing it everytime,work your mind as well as your body..believe

  14. sprint only 40-yard dashes never run long distances or jog that will slow you down.

  15. -Running up hills

    -Running with a mini parachute on your back

    -Foot exercises through ladders

    -Weightlifting (squat, leg extensions, leg curls, calf raises)

    -Stretching helps

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