
What can i do to save relationship with my mom?

by  |  earlier

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my mom and i constantly fight, she has told me twice to leave and never come back, but because my dad didn't want me to go i stayed.

i'm not really a "bad" kid either. a's&b's in school, never suspended, play sports.

i don't know what i can do to.




  1. u have 2 understand her

    take the first step.u have 2 do something and dont be negative

    u can make it better

    she may feel u r bad or dont respect her

    make her feel u knew ur mistakes and gonna 2 be better 4 her sake only and will try 2 correct it all coz u wonna 2 be close 2 her just coz u love her

    believe me that will make her feel better

    coz she is ahuman ,wona 2 feel love ,kindnessand peace

    she doesnt mean 2 hurt u believe me

    just try it but remember:  4 the sake of her

    hope that helps and good luck

  2. u don't say how old u r, but if ur still in hi skool, she certainly can't make u move out.  i'm so sorry this is happening, but there may be something else going on w/ur mom that u have no idea about.  i know from my own experience that women's hormones can go all wacky and that can make them take out anger on their loved ones that are right there, when it appears that there is nothing to be making them angry.  and indeed there really isn't, just their feelings that have gotten messed up by hormonal changes.

    hopefully you can talk to your mom -- or talk to your dad and see if he can talk to your mom -- about it.  do some research on 'symptoms' of menopause &/or premenopause (see -- they have a LOT of good info, it really helped me figure out what was wrong with me) and present it to your mom.  there's help out there, and most likely she has no clue why she feels like she does.

    good luck!!!!

  3. How old are you? Why do you fight? What are the fights about?  Why did she tell you to leave? This is a tough question without more info.

  4. accuse her of being sour and jealous then out line everything she does do this very calmly

  5. your mother sounds very bitter, i used to fight with my mother all the time when i was younger but as i grew up i understood some of the reason's why. both of you try to talk to each other without raising your voices prove how grown up you are by talking to her like an adult

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