
What can i do to save this child from child abuse His 16?

by  |  earlier

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this kid i know was born in a kashmiri family they live in pakistan sindh and regularly beat him up and even at such a horrendous rate they he succumbs to his room 4 many hours to finally get back the breath which he got knocked out of him plz help me alert the athorities in a way he will be saved i have tried telling his father that plz do not beat him so badly but recently he got his ear cut because of their oppression because of them a good child is now suffering from many phycological diseases plz help him




  1. e-mail:  tell the situation, give information, they will connect you to someone that will help. Don't give up.

  2. Ring NSPCC!

    Like Straight Away !!!!!

  3. Wow, that's a tough one. I feel so bad for him. Can you take him out of there? I would kidnap him! What does he do that is so bad his father would treat him like that? Is there no one there to report him to?

  4. Well, in countries such Pakistan, there isn't much that you can really do. I mean American authorities cannot really go to Pakistan and arrest people for child abuse. And another, the way those countries run their government, is that the Father/Man of the house is in charge, so even if you had told their authorities, they would not do a thing. Even the mothers/girls in the house cannot say anything, because they might get beat too. In those countries abuse is normal. So there is not much you can do.

    I mean I can make suggestions because what happens there is horrible, and you are Right, no one should have to suffer like that. I mean you can go there and shoot him in his legs a couple times, I don't know how their government will handle it. Or you could try to get him arrested, because I dont think getting his ear cut, is too normal there. But, I dont know, hope everything works out.

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