
What can i do to start liking college?

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I pretty much never liked school overall. i usually got good grades in middle and high school but ever since i started college i hate school even more now. At first when i started college i forced myself to put up with most of the c**p from my classes but now i am just skipping

class most of the time. just last quarter alone i didn't bother going to class at all. At the same time i don't feel bad at getting a bad grade at all. Up until know i have only been taking the general classes and i have no idea on what career to pick because so far nothing interests me. My parents keep asking me what my career is going to be but nothing comes to my mind. i do want to be successful but at the moment college is getting on my nerves, because i have pay for the expensive books and i give the rest of the money to help my parents and because of that i am broke about 90% percent of the time. i have yet to see my paycheck in my hands. Every time i think if college all the annoying stress comes back to me. I know that i have to finish it but what can i actually do to start liking it more so i can actually take it little more seriously. The last quarter pretty much was a disaster not only did i not go to class but i avoided all the annoying problems as well. Most of my friends are almost done with college and i am still a freshman with no major in mind. Every time i think of the annoying college problems i get frustrated i had to turn the same paper in three times just because they lost it over and over. its like the same problems every quarter.




  1. start a minimum wage job where you are going to be treated awfully

  2. Just think about the things you enjoy doing most and the kind of job you think you will enjoy waking up every day to go to and start taking classes that will help you out in that direction. Make a list of what interests you and what you enjoy doing, like sports, music, phsyics, even just something like DIY stuff around the house (you could go into carpetry or something!) or tutoring a friend in a certain subject (maybe teaching is your field!). Talk to your counselor or...i forgot the name for them but the staff member/teacher at college that helps you decide what units you want to do. And don't worry about not knowing what you want to do, lots of people don't discover what job suits them until they're pretty old, sometimes even 40 or 50! And if you're too fustrated with college at the moment, you can even take a break from studying first, try a couple of jobs in the workforce. It might be hard to get a super good job if you've got no college degrees and the like but you don't have to aim high for a super successful job position at the moment, just start low in environments that interest you and that will help give you an idea of how the working life in those fields really are like. Then, when you have a better idea of what you want to do, you can get back into college and take classes that will help you out in getting the job you want in the field you want! Just make sure you don't get stuck in a rut at work/in class and ALWAYS keep moving forward and learning, that is always the way forward to success! Also, remember that not everything is easy, even the stuff you like to do, so just persevere and never give up. Good luck!  

  3. Seems like you are convinced that you seriously hate college with a passion. Shouldn't it be easier to tell you quit? Surely is, but that's not what you want right? More importantly, you haven't told us what you want to do otherwise, so I just assume : it's the pressure and frustration in your life that you hate.

    Therefore instead of haste yourself for inspirations, it's more important to get your head straight- untangle those problems/frustration. Once it is sorted out, you are hopefully able to see yourself clearly can stop those inadequate feelings like "Why am I not doing/ thinking/feeling what I suppose or how everyone else is". I dare to not everyone find it enjoyable and most of them are struggling just like us.

    Most freshman don't know what they want for living, but the prime function of university/college is not an exact manufactures for high income earners, but to develop skills to deal with pressure( time management, organization skills, analysis skills, technical skills and determination), in order to prepare your survival in a competitive society.

    At the moment, your process really not looking good. It seems that you are bogged down by a series of frustration which obscures your vision of future as eventful and interesting.

    (*Frustration definition: "a deep chronic sense or state of insecurity and dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems."-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary ) As a result, you may subconsciously give up on trying to avoid further frustration, and it eventually lead to a cycle of "self-defeat". Trust me, you don't want to end up that way speaking of experience.

    Therefore, I suggest you to access campus counseling service,( it may be your last choice, as you don't want to perceive as a loser right? Well, at least that's what I thought to myself)they are usually able to provide statement for special consideration(save your butt from delay assignments) and help you with your financial situation etc.

    Alternatively, read more self-help materials to recognise the actual problems and develop coping skills, believe me or not sometimes we tend to have a distorted perception towards our problems. For instance, Mark Twain reputedly said: "I've had a lot of trouble in my life. Most of it never happened."  Trust me again, you don't want to procrastinate any longer- as the more you do, the more distress you become, and the harder you set back from misery.

    You are more than welcome to visit my introspection blog which I seek to keep a track on my thoughts through out my university life journey.  I recommend you to do it for yourself too, start to pay to attention the what you can do, not what you can't do.

    All the Best!!

  4. Join something that you enjoy doing, and you'll meet people you have similar interests.

    Don't feel too pressured about your future career, focus on now and it will all fall into place eventually.

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