
What can i do to stop feeling like this?

by  |  earlier

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i want to die. i self harm. i'm madly in love with someone who wants me to die; all i want is to make him happy and dying would do that. i'm scared it wouldn't work and i end up incapable of doing anything ever again. he does this everyday but nothing will ever make me change how i feel about him! i don't know what else i can do anymore :(




  1. Get outside.  Go enjoy some nature.  Get some exercise.  Do something for yourself and forget about him.

  2. wow, you obviously need a mental evaluation, you sound very unstable and inmature. it's clear you have very poor judgment to continue seeing someone so twisted in the head.

    try growing up and making some better choices. and seek counseling.  

  3. Give it a year and you will forget this other person ever existed.  These feelings are normal for teenagers.

  4. well then listen to music.....;...

  5. please stop before my daughter breaks all the speeding laws to save you

  6. Your best bet is to end it with this individual. Find someone else and love again.

  7. Why would you love someone who wants you dead?

  8. What?? thats crazy talk. Tahts terrible taht he wants u to die to make him happy. if u did kill urself then  youd b dead and wats the point? Hes probablyy just joking around. Find another guy it may take time but if hes telling u to die then that might be a major harmful issue

  9. I recommend highly that you see a counsellor immediately.  You can learn to live better than you are now but it will require someone to help you.

  10. Honey, you need to talk to someone that's a professional!  From my standpoint, I can't understand how you could love someone who wants you dead.  And if you did die, how would you know whether you really did what he wanted?  You'd be DEAD!!  I can't tell from your question what age you are but if you're still living with your parents ask them to get you some help.  If you live on your own, make yourself go see a doctor.  It's not worth going through the misery that you're going through now when there's a way to get out of it----and stay alive!!!

  11. u need 2 things first leave him alone i know its hard but he is no good for u

    and 2 u need professional help i have suicidal thoughts myself but now i'm pregnant n started counseling it's the only thing that has helped good luck hope things get better 4 u life is too beautiful to bring it 2 an end b4 it's time

  12. well first of all you should stop self harming exspecially over a guy... i dont think he really wants you to die. and it would be a bad idea to try to kill your self because if something goes wrong then you could end up in alot of pain. i think you could find someone better then him that will love you. i have a friend who went through this and now she has a bf that loves her  

  13. NEVER turn over control of your life to someone else, especially someone who does not care about you. Your death would not make this person happy because happiness is each person's own responsibility. Please see a doctor and talk to a counselor or your parents. You are the victim of wrong thinking and you need to talk to someone who can help you figure out a better thought process. I hope you soon feel better. Don't let someone else steal your life. You need your's going to get better.  

  14. Ok you know what if he wants you to die that is his problem . Don't do it because if he wants you to die that means he doesn't care what you do and if you kill yourself he wont care either . Saying for you to die is like him saying i dont want you here so get lost . If he doesn't like you try to get over him and find someone who wants you to live and die with him !

  15. Well, Here's what to do. Go to a psychiatrist (it doesn't mean you're crazy, and if you can't afford one there is probably a mental health place you can go to and get on a waiting list). Then, do EVERYTHING you can to stop self harming, and you'll probably get help with that too. If you attempt suicide well, there's a good chance that it won't work. What's worse, waking up everyday feeling like this? Or being woke up everyday because you are paralyzed and can't do anything for yourself anymore still feeling like this? As for the need to stop thinking about it, stop talking to him and find someone / something else. Things will get better but, you HAVE to be willing to let them get better.

  16. Well first you can look at yourself and take a second to realize your giving your life to someone who doesn't deserve it. I make life one big game, usually one of self-control. If there's something in life for example like a drug addiction or something, then I will automatically cold turkey it and altogether stop just to show the self-control I have. That taken in relation to you, maybe you should make it into a game or something? Completely shut him out, tell yourself repeatedly you hate him, and remove him from your thoughts. I'm sure you don't even want to do that, but you have to start somewhere. After that whenever you feel like thinking about him, or liking him again think of it as a matter of how much self-control you have, YOU should want to be in control of your actions, not letting some random person who feels nothing for you have so much control.

    I may have just wasted my time though on your question seeing as you've already answered it yourself. If you truly think you'll NEVER change your feelings for him, then your saying you'll never stop self-harming. Besides, would you rather die to make some person who told you to happy or live on and make them realize they have no control over you and in turn you are a much stronger person then they will ever amount up to?

  17.       I don't understand how you could be in love with somebody who wants you to die...but I think you should move on with your life. Forget about whoever this and find somebody new who will appreciate you and care for you unlike this person. Obviously, somebody who wants you to die does not have the same feelings for you, and you should love somebody who will love you back. =]

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