
What can i do to stop my two year old picking his nose?

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he woke up this morning covered in blod from picking his nose in the night, i know it was this cos his nose was crusty with blood and his picking finger bright red. apart from gaffa taping his hands to his sides (joke) what else can i do?




  1. Show him a pic of MJ's nose...and say "if you keep picking your nose......" (kidding..really)

    Maybe his room is too dry...try a humidifier and maybe it'll help.

    Good luck :)

  2. pick your nose and make him eat your

  3. At two years old, I'd be putting socks on his hands when he sleeps and taping them son does that sometimes, but only when awake. He picked it up from a boy who is not well liked in our family. I can get him to stop by saying "EWW! You're acting just like___!" He gets embarrassed and stops right away!

  4. say if he keeps picking his nose he will pick it away to nothing and be a FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Tell him hair will grow out of his nose if he picks.

    My mom told me hair would grow on my tongue if I stuck it out.

    That totally worked on me.

  6. Probably nothing but reminding him it  is unappealing. You might try trimming his nails very short so he does not bleed. You will also have to tell people who drive that they are not invisible in their cars so they should stop it to. Demonstrate a handkerchief to your son, but I am sure he is on a life long path. You will do fine if you can convince him not to eat it.

  7. has he got a finger that he uses if so put a finger bandage on it so that his finger is then too big to get up his nose in the first place.

    This other idea is not for the faint hearted but if the above fails try putting something on his finger which will sting when he puts it up his nose that might make him think twice.

    he may of course just need to blow his nose. Perhaps there is an irritating bogie up there a gentle wipe with a cotton bud may help to relieve the problem.

  8. He may have allergies. Perhaps a trip to the doctor to see if he is having them.

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