
What can i do when i find out after signing the contract with a car dealership that took total advantage of me

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What can i do when i find out after signing the contract with a car dealership that took total advantage of me




  1. Realize every contract is the same

    Everyone gets screwed

    Move on

    It wasn't that bad

  2. When financing a car, it's very difficult for the dealership to take total advantage of you.  If things were different on the contract then what you agreed to, then you just shouldn't have signed it.  There is nothing you can do at this point, unless they didn't disclose something on the contract.

  3. nothing my friend, you are screwed.

    Although learn something from this, the lesson is to read offical contracts before signing them. I mean big ones like car dealership ones.

    Also, never trust car dealerships. They are the logo of dishonesty.

  4. nothing, you signed a contractual sales agreement which you must adhere to. you are obligated to follow through via contract

  5. unfortunetly, that's the sad fact of their jobs (car dealers)

    there's nothing you can do unless something illegal was done ie, lied on documents, added bogus/fake charges, etc

    otherwise, you're out of luck... sorry.

  6. dealership = STEALERSHIP

  7. nothing thats why you read the contract before you sign it

  8. Read your contract for a grace period in which you can still deny and turn the car back in...

    If there is none then lear from your mistakes and read before you sign the next time.

    It is a common thing that happens at dealerships that is why they try to hold you there to build up your anticipation of your new car the you will want to just sign to get out and in your new car.

    Hope this helps

  9. Operative word: CONTRACT.

    Its your responsibility to read and understand what you are signing.

  10. Regret.

  11. cargo-

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