
What can i do when im bored at work?

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What can i do when im bored at work?




  1. you should check out this site it might sound dull but very entertaining!!

  2. yahoo answers!

  3. look at people and make up your own little conversation with them then go up and talk to them and see if it pans out that way.. or try to figure out if they are a dog person or cat person- simple little questions- then talk to them and find out!

  4. call your loved ones....

  5. listen to music, eat lunch early, find something fun on the internet, make jokes wth co-workers alot you can do just use your imagination

  6. Blink wildly and then close your eyes really tight for an interesting light show

    See how long you can hold a note

    Try to not think about penguins

    Use your secret mind power

    Pretend you're a robot

    Scratch yourself

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  7. go to this site if ur bord

    fun games

    and free

  8. sudoku, crosswords, word finds, doodleing, write a book,  help a friend, and clean something, Don't do personal stuff on the computer because companies can look at your computer records including frivolous stuff, and important stuff (like if you checked you medical records online).

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