
What can i do with a co-worker that constantly talks and is so loud?

by  |  earlier

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even with earplugs and headphones blaring loud music i can still hear her!!!! she's a freaking nightmare!




  1. Go to her, privately, and say in a very friendly tone, "Mary, no offense, but do you realize how loud your voice is in our office? I'm sure you don't, but alot of people are getting annoyed by it, and I thought you'd want to know."

  2. If she asks you a question or speaks to you, talk in a quiet voice that will make her strain to listen to you (not a whisper).  If she tells you to speak up do not do that.  Just repeat what you said at the same level.  If she speaks to you in her loud voice, step back one or two steps.  This works and she will get the message, subconsciously.

    Also, no matter how loud she speaks, you must learn to tune her out by distracting yourself and concentrating on your work.  It takes some time, but you can train yourself to do it.

  3. The only thing you can do if you can't go to her directly is speak to a manager.  You could embarrass her if she is talking to someone else and yell from down the hall, "Hey, you're not loud enough, speak up".  Hopefully she'll get the hint then.

  4. ugg. i have a coworker who talks constantly about nothing. my new strategy is just to be a little colder. a little more distant. and i will repeat things.

    "what are you  doing on the weekend?'

    me..i am really busy and you?

    "blah blah and are you up to much on the weekend?"

    me...oh really busy.

    just ignore her if shes not talking to you. that is all you can do. she won't stop that is her personality.

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