
What can i do with a dish reciver and a dish satellite that doesn't have the arm to it?

by  |  earlier

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My dish satellite recently lost it's recieving arm because it was cut off. I'm wondering what i can do with it instead of selling it online.




  1. you can let it take up space in your garage and gather dust.

    the most common uses of the dish include:

    a fish pond base if you bury it

    a birdbath if it pole mounted in your yard

    and depending on the dish size and your geographic location, a snow sled

    all these things are options as long as the equipment is yours and not leased. if it is leased, you will need to return the equipment back to dish

  2. i would use the dish saucer to make fake u.f.o. photos and then take the cover off of the receiver and tell my friends that is what i use to send info to the aliens about our military so that i may live after the invasion....awe who am i kidding ? i ain't got no friends..

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