
What can i do with my 15 year old daughter?

by  |  earlier

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my daughter is pregnant ...she wont get a abortion.....

so i dont want her in my home any longer ......

she is 15 ... and im not helping her with **** ....

wha are my rights and is ther anyway i can have her put in placement ......what can i do to get her out of my home ...please help me




  1. oh wow.

    i'd kick her out too.

  2. U r a r****d!

  3. LADY an i'm using the word loosley your daughter need you now more then ever.  help her get though this thats what parents do we love them in good times and bad times if u throw her out where can she go ? SHE'LL never forgive u  

  4. be humane.

    keep her in your home!

    okay shes done somethign wrong, but your sick to throw her out!

    support her as much as you can, thats what good parents would do.

    show you not happy fair enough, but dont kick her out. thats heartless!

  5. send her to his home... That would be hard for me to do. She really needs you now.

  6. Let her put her baby in adoption.  It's better than abortion.

    So many families want to have babies and they can't because their  is a long wait list.

  7. are u being serious.

    ur throwing your daughter out when shes pregnant

    i seriously would not do this, this is the time in her life when she will need YOU the most.

    just seriously seriously think about this before u decide. its completly not the right thing to do at the moment.

  8. Wow.  I think you just won the Mom of the Year award.  Congrats.  

  9. be compassionate. dont throw her out. make her accept responsibility and if she cant care for the baby to put it up for adoption.

    dont throw her in the streets. how would u feel knowing that u are setting her and ur unborn grandchild up for failure?


  10. Very sad family. Very uncompassionate Mom. I believe you can petition the court for her to be a ward of the state.

  11. Sorry not going to help you! You could be more supportive of your daughter. It is not a good thing she is pregnant so young, but maybe you should of had better control of her then she wouldnt have got pregnant! Sooner or later you will want to be part of your grandchilds life!

  12. Since you're obviously an awful parent, I would suggest foster care. This is a girl who has no chance of making it on her own. She really needs an adult around to support her in everyway. I can understand not wanting to be responsible for a baby again, but sometimes one have to make sacrifices for someone you love. Just make sure she knows that she has to do most of the work.

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