
What can i do with my horse when i cant ride him? he is getting so fat!?

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i cant ride him at the moment because i have weird eyes and i get random bright flashes so its kinda dangerous to ride him like that. anyway he is getting realy fat at the moment. i need a way to give him excercise, and he objects so bad to lunging he goes alll grumpy and threatens me. what can i do to keep him occupied and give him exercise? i have acess to a round yard, and 60 acres of bush (there are five other horses in the paddock with him) he also gets beaten up so bad by them. do you know anyway to stop this aswell?




  1. Maybe lease him out but say he must stay on the current propertyy

    or half lease him or somthing

    gd luck

  2. well i would take him for a walk around every day and maby tell the owner where you ceep him if he can be moved because he is getting beat up by the other horses

  3. well,smart question.....first why you don't ride your horse?

    you can rent it to other person and you can get money


    you can take your horse to a walk...if hi is getting so fat give him less food....


  4. you can rent it to somebody who looks it as muchas you

  5. Firstly take him away from the other horses! Then use a halter and a lead rope and lead him around the place and give him a bit of a walk around!


  6. Your horse probably is low man on the totem pole in the herd. Alas its normal for horses. If the marks are just a few, they are probably from normal horse play. They tend to play rough and loose some fur even when they are not being mean or nasty about the play.

    Now that being said, if he has ALOT more bite marks than the other horses he could be getting picked on. Alas some of that can go away with time, but depending on the herd dynamics it might not.

    The only way to truely stop him from getting marked up is to turn him out by himself.

    I would do lots of ground work with him, practice doing showmanship and other ground exercises.

    You could also see about doing a half lease on him, with someone else that wants to ride and pays a monthly fee to be able to ride him.

    That way he can get exercise even when you can't ride him.

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