
What can i do??i dont wanna miss the chance to meet him and maybe have a relationship with him...

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i've been in love with this guy for 3 whole friends say that he likes me back and i see that too...but he is too shy to show it to me or talk to me and so am i...also there are his friends who are the most immature creatures in the world..and they say things about me(that aren't true) to him but he never says a thing to them..but now he is a friend with some other guys at school and i guess that is good cos they don't know me so they can't say a thing ...Help!!




  1. Do you really understand what being in love is? How could you truly love someone you don't even know. It sounds like all communication is between your mutual friends. I am sure he as well as his friends are very immature. They should be, it sounds like you are probably in High School maybe, or even younger. Why don't you forget about him and move on, I do understand. I thought I loved this guy when I was younger, I couldn't get him out of my mind. It went on for a couple of years. Then one night I actually got to spend some time with him and he turned out to be such a jerk. Luckily my friends rescued me before anything too regrettable happened. You are probably romanticizing someone you really don't know. Concentrate on having fun and hanging out with your friends and the boyfriends will come and go, trust me!

  2. Have you tried catching a chicken for your meal? Or catching fish for your dinner?

    It is the manner that you apply to get what you want. I hope by these you can figure it out. Good luck!

  3. Dear what u should do is, u love him alot right? So go and approach him. Go and talk with him. Tell him how much you love him. Don't feel shy or nervous. You might loose him if you are still like this. Be bold in love. You can do one thing. Write your feeling in one letter and give it to him. Tell him the truth, tell him your true feeling towards him. Go and grab him as soon as possible so that you won't miss him. Show some signs so that he can know that you love him too. atleast it can make him to feel that you love him too and soon he will come and talk with you. Wish you all success my dear..

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