
What can i do?in this relationship is it worth to be on or ,,,?

by  |  earlier

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i loved one before HIm then it didn't`t work out ,now we know each others for about 5 months to 6

i m engaged and i went to his place once *he is living and working in another country *

now its been since 3 months he didn't visit me ,he says he is involve in the house maintenance and his mother health and job

i know he is busy

but something feel not alright in this

should i just break up with him i don't want to be shocked again ,its safe i don't love him i m engaged cause i know he is financially secured and has good manners ,i ve tried love its not important anymore ,,but i m afraid i will be shock after my marriage it might be after october?any suggestions?




  1. You need to walk away from this relationship.

    Money and security is important, but you do not want to spend your life miserable just because of money.

    You need to earn your own, find a job you really like and have a passion for, and your love life will fall into place.

    There is nothing to replace respect in a relationship, and without that you can forget it, and if he thinks you are only after him for his money or his status in life he will not respect you.

    You are capable of doing anything you want, think positive, believe in yourself, respect yourself, and find someone who really cares for you.

  2. are u from thailand, why are u engaged if you dont love him, are you just after his money

  3. trust your instincts, it might be a good idea to select future fiances by stricter criteria; having something in common with them, shared humour etc

  4. I am with Sam on this one, 150%. Sam put into words everything I was feeling I wanted to tell you but couldn't figure out how to say it so you would understand it well enough.

    Sam said you need to walk away from this relationship.

  5. If you don't love him, then it's not fair to him or you to go through with the marraige.  Don't you want to be happy?

  6. if you don't love this man then for your sake and his don't marry  him, of course love is important can you imagine spending the rest of your life with someone you don't love let alone lives in another country.. do not marry someone coz they have good manors you have only known him 6 month's what saying 2 months into the marriage the manors disappear.. look for love again its worth it

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