
What can i draw a picture of to show the meaning of the word "extolled"?

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FYI: extolled means praised

I just have to draw a simple little picture showing the meaning of the word.





  1. someone making a toast to the bride and groom

    someone getting a certificate

    someone getting money

    something that would show a reward for something good done.  

  2. A preacher, at a pulpit.

    Probably doesn't matter what kind, whether an elaborately robed priest, a old time country preacher, a Rabbi in a temple, a monk, addressing his followers.

    As long as the preacher was the main subject of the composition.

    However, I just had a thought.  I "see" an image of a preacher, slightly to one side of the image, with his "flock" along the bottom part of the picture.  These two elements "frame" a back lit, stained glass window that glows as the central element of the composition.  The image tells of what is extolled, who is doing it, and who is getting the message.

  3. a person singing and worshiping God with their hands lifted to the sky.

  4. Someone on stage bowing and a large audience cheering and celebrating with confetti!  

  5. the word means to praise enthusiastically so how about some people in a church building singing and praising the lord enthusiastically...don't know just a thought.Good luck

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