
What can i eat or do when i have braces?

by  |  earlier

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i just got braces like, 2 days ago and they really hurt my teeth.

what can i do to make them stop hurting apart from taking painkillers?

and what can i eat so it won't hurt so much?

please help me.

thank you!!




  1. i would eat lots of pasta, its easy to chew, and no meats.  

  2. they will only hurt for a few days. Just take a painkiller and eat soft food like applesauce. Just keep in mind, they do tighten the wires every time you go back to the ortho. But, yeah, try applesauce, oatmeal, mashed potatoes, jello, pudding, stuff like that. Remember what the ortho said- No corn on cob, gum (although tons of people with braces chew it), I once had a tooth/braces issue with corn chips (they some how got lodged incorrectly in the tooth/braces and broke it), no popcorn. Cold milk may help the pain...  

  3. eat soup and stuff.

    the pain will go away in a few days.

  4. well, i could not eat gum, corn on the cob (although i cut the corn off with a knife) and gummy candy. most of that would get stuck in the braces or break off the bracket. um, when i got my braces for the first time (before High School) it hurt a lot, too. My teeth were adjusting themselves because of the braces and the headgear (I had an overbite). you'll get used to the pain after a couple weeks. don't complain too much, there's not a lot that people can do about it.

  5. They will hurt. I ate custard and stuff. I even ate soft hot chips but they do hurt a bit.

  6. i took advil works well, suck on popsicles takes ur mind off of the pain:)

  7. I know just how you feel. I just got new wires, rubber bands, springs, and a connector on Thursday and am currently as I speak looking for something to eat so I know exactly how you feel. Apart from taking painkillers there isn't mush to do but to let it hurt. I have been eating yogurt, ice cream, soup, and pudding. You could try lasagna and not really chew it but just swallow it. That satisfied my "real" food hunger. (except we ran out so I'm still hungry) If you like cheesecake that is also an option because of its softness. Good Luck and Feel Better :)!!!!

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