
What can i eat that is low fat at a bar-b-que restuarant?

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i have to go out to eat this wknd for work and we r having bar-b-que. i have been on a diet and have no idea what i can eat there? any ideas?




  1. I sometimes eat the barbequed chicken or turkey.  The restaurant I go to always has green beans, so I eat those and have a lettuce salad.  Ask if they have BBQ shrimp.  That works for me!

  2. Corn with no butter, chicken breast, salad, whole wheat bread if they have it.

    BBQ is not inherently fatty, just that it can use fatty cuts of meat. As others said, white meat chicken is a good choice as long as it is BBQ and not deep fried.

  3. Meat is fine as long as it's lean or skinless.  The thing you have to watch out for is the potato salad and macoroni salads.  They are loaded with mayo and fattening.  No regular sodas.  They have 250 calories in a can of pop, and usually people don't stop at that.

  4. Turkey Or white meat chicken with no skin.

    Some BBQ places have salads & vegetables too.

  5. Beef gets a bad rap.  Unless you take skin off poultry it isn't necessarily less fattening.  Cut down portions or share with someone else. For salads no regular salad dressings only low cal.  BBQ sauce on the side if you must have it.  The more things you can control the better i.e. buttering your own bread etc.  Ask for things the way you want them. You won't be the first on a diet.  Don't deny yourself a small treat.

  6. chicken, without the skin..  and if they have baked sweet potatoes get one with butter on the side..  stay away from cole slaw and corn bread and creamed anything...  baked beans are often high fiber and low in fat but they do have a lot of carbs..

  7. Order smoked chicken breast and a glass of water with a lemon wedge.      Or just eat some ribs lathered in bbq sauce, some pulled pork, brisket and sausage with a ice cold beer. It's bar-b-que, eat up, diet the next day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. There are plenty of options.  First of all, do not order french fries!  Second, some more upscale places will have a salad that you could do a lite dressing with perhaps some BBQ shrimp on it or some shaved turkey on it.  They may not say that they have shaved turkey or chicken but they will.  Also,  a lot of the nicer ones carry fish that can be blackened (but ask for lite on spice since it could be hugh in sodium) and you could order vegetables to go butter, light oil!  

    If you are going to a mom and pop place, get BBQ tukey without the bun and beans or coleslaw...NO FRIES!

  9. the only you could eat to keep your diet is the paper towel in one of those places. They cook everything in lard and fat! No I'm kiddiung but as hard as it may be you might want to go with somethin light or just eat as little as posiible and then go work out. Good Luck!

  10. try eating a salad with grilled chicken (make sure it's not fried) with veggies and a light dressing, such as italian or balsamic viniagrette... ask for it on the side because that's where alot of the calories are. It should be pretty filling, and be sure to drink plenty of water before your meal!

  11. Eat the BBQ white meat Chicken. Don't eat more than one piece (the serving size you should eat should be the size of a deck of cards)! Also you can order this as a sandwich (they will give you a smaller portion) and ask them not to butter the bread and eat the sandwich openface (ie cut our one slice of bread).

    If you want a side you can order a baked potato. Skip the sourcream and butter and add salt and pepper and eat the skin (crunchy and yummy and full of fiber).

    Skip the lemonade and sweet tea and have unsweetened tea or just water or a diet coke. Don't eat the bread/ rolls it would be slathered in butter.

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