
What can i eat to gain more weight for my baby?

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i weighed 123.4 before iowas pregnant i went to the doctors the first time and i weighed 115.2 i only gained 3 pounds seance i need to gain more




  1. Did the doctor tell you you need to gain weight?

    I dropped in weight like that when I got pregnant and didnt gain anything back until i was about 5ish months pregnant. My doctor was never worried about it and neither was I. Your baby will take the nutrients it needs before anything gets to go to you. If your hungry, eat. But other than that, you shouldnt push your quantity up too much. They say your eating for two, but your really not... eat healthy and enough to satisfy you. If your still hungry then eat more, but eat healthy.

  2. eat eat and eat everything you want

  3. I lost 21 pounds when I was pregnant with my daughter, she weighed nine pound when she was born. Unless the doctor tells you there is something wrong don't worry.

  4. i had a hard time gaining weight so my dr had me drinking instant breakfast drinks. they are chalk full of calories, and they dont taste all that bad! i didnt have a hard time drinking them. peanut butter is really good to eat as well. instead of eating your regular 3 meals a day, try to eat small to medium portion sizes all thru out the day. healthy snacks too! Though fruits and veggies are all very good for you, they are pretty much empty calories, they are basically all made up of just water, so just try to be careful about not filling up on things like that, and sodas.  

  5. whole wheat bread, eggs, milk shakes with 2% milk, always eat fruits and vegetables too, have the most nutrients

  6. if you are having morning sickness you just have to keep up your fluids and tak your vitamins. alot of people lose weight in early pregnancy.

    try eating light meals freguently

  7. Gee, you should hang out with me for a day, I'd put the weight on yah.  No seriously, eat foods that are healthy for you and frequently.  you could try hummus-high protein and healthy fat.  Look for the healthy fat when shopping and make sure that you are eating frequently. try a protein shake in the morning and one in the afternoon.  Enjoy a cookie here and there.  enjoy some frozen yougurt, be creative with your food. good luck

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