
What can i feed my picky box turtle?

by  |  earlier

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he won't drink water from a bowl, we have to use a dropper and let drips go into his mouth, everytime we feed him something (bugs, tomatos,lettuce,grass) he takes a bite and then uses his foot to take it out of his mouth, like a toddler lol. he is very picky and we dont want to let him go until he has gotten enough water and food, so he has time and energy to find more. I thought about going and getting him some iv fluids is that possible? is he so weak or sick that he wont eat?

also when we found him he had a cracked shell that looks like it has healed back together a scrape on the inside of his shell by his back leag and a dialated pupil on his right eye. I dont think that the vet will do anything for him, so if anyone knows anything about turtles please answer me asap. I cant stand to see a sick animal






  1. Just leave the food in the tank; he will eat when he gets hungry. Remove the bowl and replace it with a small shallow tray that the turtle can soak in as well as drink from. If you are really worried about the turtle eating, give it a live earthworm or three. Any turtle that won't go for that is ready to be buried.

  2. You are describing normal, healthy box turtle behavior.  Box turtles don't drink much at all, they get their water intake from the leaves and bugs they eat. They do not have teeth so they clamp down with their beak and use their legs to push away the rest, making it a manageable bite that they can swallow.  If you found him/her - then just go put him/her back. (The males have red eyes and a concave plastron - the underside of their shell - which is hinged, and the female has a flattish plastron with brown to yellow eyes) As to not eating much - they are reptiles. Not mammals. They are cold blooded - which saves tons on energy requirements, so they do not even need to eat every day and they can still be healthy.  

    As I said - just go put it back exactly where you found it since box turtles have great memories and have territories that they frequent - they have places to hide, to find food, and to hibernate through the winter.  If you put it somewhere else - it will be lost and confused.

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