
What can i feed my sick gerbil?

by  |  earlier

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I have a sick gerbil and we took him to the vet and they gave us oral antibiotics to give him. He isnt eating, so i called the vet and he said just mix up some stuff and put it in the blender. I am currently giving him their normal food, bananna, applesause, a little timothy hay and water, all mushed in the blender. Do you have anyother recipes that are high in nutrients that i could mix together and feed to him to boost his energy and make him feel better?It should not be chunky because wer use a mini syringe to feed him. Also, he is now really used to being held, will he still be like that when he is better? How much should i try to give him, tonite i gave him .4 oz i think and im gunna try to give him more later but i dont know how much is thr right amount. I need enough to get him through the night without getting hungry. but i dont wanto overfeed him.




  1. sorry for ur problem try to get him a eye dropper filled with crushed food pellets.

  2. Make sure you have the cage in a quiet place so they are not disturbed too often.

    They do need to try and eat/drink, when i used to treat sick gerbils we would syringe feed them human baby food. Cow and Gate Sunshine Bananna is a good one to use. Mix this powder with water until it is a smooth liquid, so that you can get it in a dropper/syringe, and then you may need to actually feed them very carefully yourseleves. If you actually put the food in their mouths they should swallow it, and you just do this until they won't take anymore. Be careful, and do it slowly as they have very small mouths and you don't want to choke them!! Do this twice a day!

    The antibiotics should help, and it is good you are going to go back. They will probably need a course of antibiotics to actually recover!!

    There isn't much else you can do for them, as you seem to be doing pretty much all you can, but i hope they are ok and let me know what happens.

  3. It sounds like your doing a great job with blending food.  You can always add a multivitamin to his diet to boost his energy.  petsmart sells this-

    When he gets better he will probably still like being held now that he is used to it.

    I would call the vet and ask about how much you should feed him just to be safe.

    I hope the little guy feels better.

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