
What can i feed my turtle instead of fish?

by Guest10774  |  earlier

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My mom is phyco and i called her and was like.. my turtle needs more fish, can i have a couple bux for them.

then she freaks out and was like... i'm not gonna give you five dollers every week just to feed your turtle those fish. and i was like.. well it doesn't eat dry food! and she's like... find something else out.

shes sucha a beyotch!! ugh. I saved this turtle from our public pond because they are endagered there cuz its so polluted. Because of this she is used to eating fish.

what should i feed her instead of fish that will last longer?




  1. pie!!!!!!! lol just kiddin feed it worms i caught a turtle fishing with worms so i know they like them

  2. 1. Respect your mother...

    2.  Do you get an allowance? If you do, save some of it so you can buy your turtle some fish.

    Seriously, if you ask nicely she might give you a bit of money. Do you help around the house? If not, ask your mother if you can get a few bucks by doing house chores.

    google is your friend, use it.

    Lettuce is good.. Do you have some?

  3. Fruit: e.g. melons, mangoes, lettuce AND fish

  4. I used to feed my baby turtles Nutrafin basix they were little pellets you can get some at a pet store

  5. Pellets Shrimp Koi Sticks

    Liver Cooked chicken

    Turtle food freshwater fish- salmon, trout etc-- No Ocean fish Vegetables  Earthworms Crickets Mealworms Waxworms Bloodworm Locust Beetles Maggots

  6. j i z z btw my friends pet turtle loves to watch people m********e... does yours?

  7. Pellets


    Koi Sticks


    Cooked chicken

    Turtle food

    freshwater fish- salmon, trout etc-- No Ocean fish










  8. Next time you have a few dollars, try getting some feeder guppies and setting up a seperate area where you can breed them and raise your own feeder fish.  A female guppy can drop between 5-50 fry every 30 days, so with just 3-5 females and one male, you could easily raise enough fish to keep your turtle fed without having to keep buying fish all the time.  

    Or you could try putting up an ad on Craigslist or your local Freecycle group asking for feeder fish.  I know that I always have lots of extra guppy culls to give away that I seldom know what to do with.  If you lived near me, I'd be happy to give you some for your turtle.  ;)

    In the meantime, feed your turtle some worms or bugs instead of fish.

  9. feed him bugs like grasshoppers n crickets

    lettice here n there keeps there shell nice n green

    n surprisingly they like ckicken Liver

    its cheeper then fish

    i feed my turtles that

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