
What can i get noticed now that i have written and made my complete songs on a CD.?

by  |  earlier

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what should i do. do i send them to major production industries to see if theyll accept me. and if so what r some big music industry names.




  1. Like the person said before me, MySpace is a good idea. Also start networking a little with people you meet that may have connections. I'm not a songwriter, but my guess is that you would start sending your CD to record labels and music producers, along with a cover letter. I don't know any music producers, but you can find the names of record companies all over the internet and on the case of every cd you own. There are probably books written on this stuff. Go to and search under the book section. I'm an actress and I know there are a lot of how-to books about sending out your resume to industry people so maybe they'll have the same thing for sending out your music. Best of luck to you!

  2. Myspace is a great avenue. Also, go to and pick yourself up the latest copy of "The songwriters Market"- it lists tons of labels and publishers, some whom still accept unsolicited submissions. Then start sending your cd to every single indie label etc and see what happens! Major production labels will NOT accept unsolicited cds. Anymore, you need to get in with an indie label and if youre really good they might "sell" your contract to the majors.

  3. i would say to make a music myspace page and start gathering a following. myspace has its own record company and a lot of really popular artists were discovered that way.

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