
What can i keep with my male betta in my 10 gallon?

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I have a 10 gallon fish tank currently with 2 peppered corydora in it.

I have the male betta currently in a 1 gallon tank i am keepping him there because he will be the last fish I introduce to the tank because if I did add the betta first they would be territorial.

I need to know what else i can add to my tank so that all fish will be peaceful in a community

so technically i have these fish in my 10 gallon

2 peppered corydora

1 male betta

*I was thinking of getting a neon tetra but i heard they werent that hardy and they get sick and die quickly. Do you recomend neon tetras??*




  1. get about five to six tetras they are really the only other fish that will live with a betta.

  2. They fit right into a community tank with other peaceful fish (neons, guppies, platies, etc.) provided the water flow through the tank is not too strong.

    I have had neon's in the past and had no trouble.

  3. I had a sanil in with my male beta and it ate the snail. I asked the lady at petsmart why and she said that they will kill anything you put in the tank with it. So now I have a lone ranger fish.

    Hope it helps.

  4. you can have some tetra in there.. but i have a betta and i put him in a bag and put him with my other fish, holding the bag and he tried to pop the bag. so i wouldnt mix him with anything. add guppies, and algea eaters, maybe some of the aquarium frogs that go around and sit on the ground or in the middle of the tank. but they also eat anything else thats there

  5. Maybe put two or three neon tetras in there.

    or maybe a sucker fish as well.

  6. Add at least one more cory because cories are very social fish that should be kept in groups of 3 or more.  

    And yes, you can keep neon tetras with most bettas, but make sure you have at least 6 of them, because that's how many it takes for them to form a proper school.  If neon tetras can't form a proper school they tend to get stressed and aggressive and then they can become fin nippers, which is a bad combination with a betta.

    You should also be able to keep your betta with endlers, mollies, platies and swordtails and small-finned guppies.  I wouldn't suggest fancy guppies as they can confuse the big fins of fancy guppies with betta fins and consider them rivals.  I don't suggest you try danios as they tend to be fin nippers.  (Glofish are danios).

    Make sure you watch your betta closely for a while after you add him to the tank.  Bettas all have different personalities and some are more aggressive than others.  If you see any sign of aggression, such as him flaring at the other fish, take him out right away.  Some bettas just cannot be kept with other fish while others are great with peaceful community fish.

  7. I have 7 tetra's right now. One glowlight tetra is dying. And the others are probably sick and will die. I had planned on having glowlight and neon tetras in with my betta but for some reason the tetras had diseases which killed the betta and lots of the tetras.

    Maybe it was just my bad experience but I wouldn't suggest getting tetras.

  8. I've had Neon Tetras in a tank with a beta before and they seemed to get along fine.  And my Neon Tetras lasted quite well, I haven't ever had any get sick and die on me any more quickly than my other fish.  ^^  I would recommend them, actually.  ^^

  9. I would recommend getting more corydoras. They prefer living in larger groups and usually are perfectly peaceful with bettas. You do not need to limit yourself to the peppered kind, any color morph will do.

    While neons will probably be OK with your betta, I wouldn't recommend them. For one reason or another my neons always wind up getting sick and dying...I have kept many other more delicate fish...I breed bettas (which is not an easy feet)...I've even dabbled in salt water fish...but I cannot seem to keep a neon alive past the quarantine period. Maybe I just have bad luck with them?

  10. It's in a betta's temperment to kill other fish.  Just because you kept him secluded in a tank to himself doesn't mean he still won't be territorial and or aggressive toward the other fish.  Count on keeping him secluded.  Otherwise he will rip your other fish's fins off and eat them.  I've seen it happen.

  11. Add  a  aquatic  frog, they  are  fun to  watch  going  up and  down  and  playful.  (Saw  this  at  a  zoo office)

  12. Wait about two weeks that way the fish can get use to each other and the tank. Make sure you have in lot's of plants so the other fish don't get stressed which would lead to a disease and the plants will make them feel safe. I wouldn't recommend putting in neon tetras, because some neon tetras are very small and can be probably be eaten.

  13. That is true about the neon tetras...pretty much with bettas you can add any small non-aggressive fish. Some exceptions are fancy guppies, gouramis, and danios.

    I suggest:

    Rosaboras (schooling)

    Glass Catfish (Schooling)

    Red Eye Tetras (schooling)

    X-Ray Tetras (schooling)

    American Flag Fish

    Hatchets (schooling)




    Edit: Also as Ghost Shrimp Fan said add at least one more cory cat because they are schooling fish

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