
What can i major in??? plz help!?

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i am a freshman in college and still haven't decided a major.i have a great background in music but it is hard to make a living. i really suck at math. i love science and do pretty well in them. biology, psychology, anatomy and physiology are my strengths. i hate chemistry and physics. i like to work slow or at my own pace. what would be a good major for me? something that i could have a successful career in. any help would be appreciated. :) i would like to help ppl but i don't think i would want to be a nurse/doctor. any other healthcare careers that are in demand right now and pay pretty good?




  1. well.... you could be a science teacher.......a psychologist is a great job a children's psychologist is real rewarding and fun. But you should do what you like if music is what you like major in the music industry like recording or buisness

  2. You've probably heard this so many times but thats entirely up to you,

    I've recently made a major decision regarding my future education and its something you have to give a lot of thought and just hope you made the right choice in the end. As bad as that may sound thats just a part of life. You might make the wrong choices but you'll learn from it and again.... that's just life.

    Don't let somebody else choose for you.. you will regret it!

  3. also a freshman in terrible in math going for a science backround deffinatly have the strengths then to do something in the medical field..physical therepy is awesome..insane starting pay..and the main classes are bio, chem, and physiology so im sure you will do going for eaither radioliogist technolgist or the physical therepy...good luck

  4. Think about something that you would enjoy doing day in day out for probably the next 30+ years.

    Think about what kind of environment you would like to work in everyday - something consistent or varying? Something at a desk in an office or something in a lab experimenting with things.

    Once you get a day of how you'd like to spend your day - that will narrow down careers.

    Once you have some careers that will narrow down a major. You can always change it later (most people do). And don't be surprised if you end up majoring in something that has nothing to do with what you do for the rest of your life.

    But good for you for going into higher education - it will definitely help you in the long run.

  5. Physical therapy assistants make excellent money. They are in high demand with employers paying therapist assistants to travel and work per diem. Per diem means they will pay your rent and utilities on top of a great paycheck. A&P and psychology will typically be applied every day. Physical therapy assistants may find they truly help people live better lives by helping them live independently. PTAs can work with the elderly, children, industrial employees, or even injured soldiers. Physical therapy assistant is a 2 year associates program. U.S. median salary is $44,000 a year and $61,000 for the upper 90th percentile. Bona fide physical therapists holding a bachelors degree and up (masters) can expect a U.S. median salary of $69,000 to the upper 90th percentile making $100,000

    PTAs generally have weekends off and little to no overtime. OT and OTA are similar in the nature of work and payscale (Occupational Therapists).

    Good luck deciding what you want to do I have been trying to figure out what would be right for me for years!  

  6. how abouttt..

    music education?

  7. If you are a freshman it doesn't really matter much that you have a major at this point. You don't really start to dive into a major until your junior year. If I were you, I would major in General Studies for now and you'll have a couple of years to make up your mind. This is much better that choosing a major just for the sake of choosing one now. If you take that route and change your mind, you will take courses that may not be in the curriculum of the new major you change to. Take your time and make the right decision after you've found your niche. Just don't take more than two years to find it!!!

    I hope this helps

  8. Major in psychology. Have a great day!

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