
What can i mix with apple cider vinegar to nuetralize it?

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i have to drink ACV mixed in a bottle of water everyday - but the acidity in the ACV is really bad for my teeth - a website i was on told me to mix baking soda to neutralize it, but thats nasty lol - is there anything else that has the same effect?




  1. So use more water or less vinegar. Good grief!

  2. Grape Juice, it tastes like wine !!!

    Also, try doing it more like a shot, mixed with a smaller amount of juice/water.  It will not set on your teeth as long ....

    Or use a straw

  3. Someone I know takes that too and she mixes it with a small amount of water, like a shot and then takes a tablespoon of organic honey right after to get rid of the taste.  She finds a lot of good information also at   You may find something better there.

  4. Simple solution use a STRAW to drink it, will not bother the teeth and the unpasteurized ACV will be able to do it job to make your body less acidic (yes some acids have this ability) just like fresh lemons other citrus fruits do both good for helping the body be less acidic.

  5. 1/4 teaspoon baking soda per every 2 TBsp of ACV.

    This will neutralize it to a pH of 7.

    Mix the acv and bs before adding the water.

  6. Milk is a base (neutralizer) The_only, yes milk is a base, we learned that in elementary school. Ph of 8.5

  7. previous poster is incorrect, milk is not a base, it has lactic acid in it.

    you need something alkaline to counter the effects of the acid, if you cannot tolerate baking soda, which really is the best, try alka seltzer, there is a lemon flavored one available.

  8. the reason you're drinking it is because of acid, you don't want to neutralize it.

    maybe put less ACV in. if it's too much then take it easy. if your teeth hurt or feel weird, they're trying to tell you something.

    my understanding is you only need a teaspoon per day.. put more water.

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