
What can i numb my tongue with besides ice?

by  |  earlier

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im tryin to pierce my tongue and i dont want to feel it go in because it hurts to much so i was wondering what i can use besides ice to numb my tongue?




  1. Don't pierce it yourself you moron. Get it done by a professional.

    If you do it yourself the risks are you're going to get it in the wrong place and it'll start gushing blood, or it'll get infected...anything could happen. Don't be so stupid.

  2. If I were you I would get it done professionally, because you can get infection if it's not done right. To be on the safe side let them do it. They know what they are doing. You will be really hurting if you don't do it right. Then you have created another problem for your self. Please let them do it. Good Luck to you!

  3. anbesol


    hmm not sure what else.

    and PLEASE dont forget to clean all your toolss your using.

  4. Lidocaine.

  5. you want to kill yourself?  there are so many things that can go wrong.  go to a pro, and if you aren't of legal age for that, then you shouldn't be doing it.

  6. go do it professional.

    you can get diesaes and infected doing it like that.


    and cancer, dont believe me heyy?

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