
What can i put in a childrens road safety leaflet ???

by  |  earlier

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please help !!!!

ideas or layout

its really important please help me if u can !!!

thank you




  1. Teaching them a variety of safety skills, including: fire, bicycle, pedestrian, auto, electrical, stranger danger, and railroad safety.

  2. Besides putting in the phamplet about specific laws that surround the state law you live in regarding

    seats, seat-belts, carriers, etc. positioning of seats..age limitations...

    you should also imput some info on bicycle laws pertaining to children..

    an example would be: helmets and lights on the bicycles

  3. Road safety for what?  Walking, riding a bike, riding in a car?  The info would be different for each topic.

  4. well i suppose it depends on which area walking riding etc but a essential in all areas is going to be the green cross code and it also depends on your age group if its for like 5-6 you need to illustrate more like spot the hidden dangers at crossing the road and if its for teenagers more cold hard statistics that may shock them into thinking. set them little tests at the end to see if they are observent. the layout needs to be simple to understand and not just one colour, also pictures of a certain part of the topic to help them imagine the situation dont make it thick or theyll just get boared but dont cram it into 2 pages. hope ive helped jog your memory a little good luck

  5. Get them to read the first 20or so pages in the Highway Code, it's all in there, have YOU read it?

  6. Loads of information for pedestrian safety, cycle safety, in-car safety etc can be found at    road safety charity.

  7. If you don't know what to say, why are you trying to say it?

    Seriously what about the children road safety is important to you?  I think you should do your own research (Google), and find what is important.

    Good Luck...

  8. Tell them not to jaywalk, and use proper crossings. And to look both ways before crossing.

  9. as ian says, it's all in the highway code , remember the highway code is for every road user young and old  and it changes all the time, £2.50 is a small price to pay if it saves lives

    good luck with you're project !

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