
What can i say to be mysterious?

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ok so this is complicated im kinda preppy i guess im loud,funny and im a cheerleader i guess you could say im pretty o and im in middle school lol but with all of those traits i dont want to change but i want to be a little mysterious not the way i dress or anything but the way i talk and the things say so i guess im already complicated lol but i just want to be more not shy and not goth or emo or anything but i want to have people say i dont get her and she my friend and she has been my friend for years but i turely dont understand her lol can someone please help and tell me what to say when to say it and idk advice for my........ situation? i know im asking for alot but i want to be the girl evrybbody knows and loves and then they are talking to some one else and be like i have known her 4 years but i truely know like 3 things about her her name her grade and her family lol please help




  1. Memorize the lyrics to a bunch of Pixies songs and spout them out at random.

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