
What can i say to my little brother to make him stop seeing his girlfriend before something happens??

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My little brother is 13 and his "girlfriend" is 14..She is nothing but a troublemaker and she acts hot all the time..She bosses him around, says he is cheating on him, calls him like 50 times everyday...I am fed up with this and i don't even live at home with him and my mom.

My mom lets her come up and lets him go to her house (something she did not let none of us girls do when we were that age -we were not allowed to date until we were 16)

Anyhow yesterday he looked at my mom (dead serious) and said he needed condoms!! She told him he was too young..Not long ago when i went to visit my mom and brother --he had hickies on his neck so you know if she is sucking on his neck then they have to be doing other things too....I have tried to tell my mom that if that girl gets pregnant it will be on her head wouldn't it with my brother being underaged??




  1. your brother has a problem

  2. You can not make him stop seeing her, but you can provide him with condoms and offer to take the girlfriend to planned parenthood to get birth control to prevent a child from being brought into this situation.

    To try to make him stop seeing her will result in him seeing her more, it is just how teens work. Just try to help them prevent a situation nobody wants for them.

  3. Kids these days are impulsive. They are just being kids and its part of growing up. It has been quite different from the old age, people get more aggresive in this modern ages. You can't do something about it, when your mum thinks its nothing wrong. See, he even wants to use precaution. He knows what he's doing. Eventually he gets matured, if its not too late. Just always advise your brother to take it easy. Rule thumb: Never ever tell him what not to do. Boys his age are stubborn. Just talk to him sensibly if you can. If he still won't listen... then let him learn from his mistakes. Kids won't grow when you tell them to do what you want, when they think they are always right...let them be.

  4. okay i didnt see all the new stuff you added.

    since your mother is recovering she may feel she doesnt want to put the effort into something so stressful.

    maybe talk to your brother, tell him the girl seems a little wrong for him and immature, tell him he's young and has plenty of time to date when he gets older. see if your husband can talk to his brother and get him to stop bringing his daughter around.

    im pretty sure your brother will not have access to condoms, i think you have to be 18 to buy them, i've seen people at the pharmacy get id'ed

  5. talk to I'm ask I'm whats happening hows his "relationship" obviously he'll ask why do you want to know and all you can say is "im your sister and i care about whats happening in your life and im not going to be included with as much so as much time i have to talk to you and ask whats happening, this is like the only time that i can ask you these questions cause they might not come into my head anymore, and you must trust me and tell me the truth 100% "put a smile on your face :) and you might want to rephrase it :P bad phrases

  6. There is nothing you can do particularly if he is having s*x with her and your mother does not appear to object.  I would wonder about her ideas on this but I would encourage your brother to both obtain and use the condoms.  Also, encourage the other girls to obtain birth control so at least the situation will not be made worse by an unwanted pregnancy.

  7. there is nothing that can stop a pregnancy except a few things like "condoms"

    are we learning yet?

  8. Have a heart to heart with your brother direct.  Talk to him as your equal not as your "little" brother. GIVE HIM CONDOMS!!Show him pics of penises with venereal diseases, talk about AIDS stats, pregnancy, financial implications, and how no other good woman will want him with "future baby mama" drama later etc.

    Then introduce him to a couple of other nice girls to occupy his time.

  9. Its his life, don't try to run it for him or he really won't appreciate you anymore, trust me, he may not be like me or most that get bossed around by their older siblings, but they start to not respect, and they get sick of it, actually I stopped talking to the sister that started trying to run my life, if you really love, try counciling him little by little, but don't force him to do anything.

  10. I am dead serious.....(and anyone that discourages this is likely to be around their age or have some sort of predisposition to invalidate it unjustly)

    Do something immediately. Doing nothing justifies their actions, and doing nothing will prearrange circumstances that are far worst off. Mediate the situation.

    If i were you i would call and talk to that little girl and dont be rude whatsoever, but be assertive and let her know that thats your lil brother and he is too young to experience a relationship that powerful, with the feelings of guilt and the intense emotions that come with s*x.

    If you dont do anything they will see worst decisions further down the road as being sensible.

    Tell your mom to do something to, but more fundamentally, you do something about it. You are quite the lady to be so concerned, its very admirable.

  11. Umm if she is cheating on him and he knows it then why is he still with her? If he doesnt know then just find a way for him to find out.

  12. dont mak him stop

    mak him boss the girl round lol

    and get condoms for him just in case seriously man

    and tell ur bro that his gf is a ******  too

  13. Well I don't think the government could actually do anything to him because he is a minor, and even if her parents did press charges, she would be in the wrong too. So, I doubt that they would do that.

    Now, if you think that your brother is sexually active, whether he's doing manual, oral, or having intercourse, you're going to have to realize that he isn't going to stop whether he is forced to break up with the girl or not. There is always the next girl... Now, maybe you and/or your mom should have a sit down talk to him and explain the consequences of s*x. I know he's young, and you two probably don't think giving him condoms is a good idea, but like I said, he's going to do it with or without permission. And teenagers are sneaky... Maybe your mom should speak to her parents, too. Possibly get her on birth control. Wouldn't you all rather them use protection and have s*x, then not and get a young teenager pregnant? I mean, at least he's trying to be responsible and use protection. Do you think your mom could tell him that he could have condoms if he bought them himself? Meanwhile, make him start babysitting; he might get a better understanding of how hard it is to keep care of a child.

    Good luck.

  14. Show him pictures of VD's and babies, and tell him he and his girlfriend will probably have both if he keeps it up.  

    lunamoon: What?????

  15. that girl is obviously a s**t and a half, bt your brother is the one that doesnt understand that. I sugest picking on him about how weird/loserish/g*y/ugly his girl friend is. that will turn him off. and tell him that The bible says having s*x before marriage is wrong so if hes doing what hes doing with her right now imagine what h**l be doing in a couple more years

  16. let the kid grow and have some fun and butt out of his life shes becouse you didnt get to do as much.

  17. You can say @#$%!! %^&*!!! !!@#$$%#  ******** I HATE YOU!

  18. Talk to him (& your mom) & tell him your concerns & since you're a bigger brother, be strong about it. If he acts like an idiot, slap him a, scratch that, just kidding...but if he won't listen, let him learn the hard way. And be ready with a big told you so!

  19. The only thing you can do is "accidentally" leave some condoms around in his bathroom or something.

    Nothing you can do to stop a teenage boy's lust when he has someone willing. You can try to protect him from getting her pregnant but that is about it.

    Good luck.

  20. This situation isn't good. The best thing you can do is talk to your brother about it and tell him how you feel. Someone should give him condomns, or else theyll probably do it anyways and she has a much higher chance of getting pregnant. I agree though everything has gotten so much worse/younger...

  21. He should trust you- being his big sister, because you would know best who's scum and who's not. He probably just thinks he's cool at this point. Just tell him that is deffinately not cool- no matter what other kids say, because the older kids are deffinately going to think of him differently for it.

  22. ahhhhhhh exple it tooo himm no way you need to exple it to himmmmmm okkkk

  23. ugh! it makes me angry when the youth try to do *adult things. Tell your brother about safe s*x and also tell him about how you feel. You can't really stop him he obviously will have to learn the hard way by experiencing his problems and learning from them. But you can still tell him how you feel though!! He's only 13 he's experimenting.

  24. if she's sucking on his neck, she's sucking on other things. yeah, he's too young to be scoring. that sucks. but you, in reality have no control over the situation. You have to realize that. The best thing you can do for him is give him wise advice, otherwise you better start sabatoging everything you can, hardcore. make her go away. make her hate your family. he might be pissed at you for some time, but it will be worth it. right?

  25. I think that he is too young to have condoms but I also think its better safe than sorry.

  26. theres nothing you can really do if your brother wants to have s*x then he will so how about you just by him the condoms

  27. Just talk to your brother about it

  28. What I would do is meet up with the gf privately. Then threaten her, and tell her to break up with him! That is what I would do. And your mom is so totally right: he is way too young!

  29. Wow youre brother sounds like my best friend

    but anyway just tell every one how u feel theres not much you can do about it

  30. let ur mom be the mom. quit stressing, this girl might not even be able to get pregnant yet.. and its ur bro's life.




  31. just talk to him and tell him everything you told us!!! he might get the picture but if no tthen tell the girl the same thing, technacily your brother is dating your nice... tell her mom and dad to talk to her they are old enough to know what insest it...( sorry for all of my spelling...)

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