
What can i sedate my pet rat with(who is deathly ill) so then i can humanely kill her?

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I have a pet rat that is very ill, and will die a painful death if left to die naturally. I want to sedate her so then she wont feel anything when i euthinize her. What household products will work for sedation?




  1. My parents would put our small pets in a bag, and turn the car on to let the exhaust come out and put the bag over the exhaust pipe. They would breath it in, and not feel anything while they quickly passed away. This is what we did before euthanasia at a vets office was a popular thing to do.

  2. It is actually not that expensive to just take her in and get her euthanized...

    Otherwise the freezer (put her in a box first) works..

  3. try this website. it's baking soda, vinegar, a 10 gallon fishtank.

  4. Take it to your local shelter and have them do it, otherwise have someones cat kill it.

  5. that is horrible!! i am so sorry to hear that, unfortunately there isnt a whole lot to do about sedation. as horrible as it may sound you might have to do it without sedation. you can try this website. again i am so sorry, i share your pain.

  6. Carbon dioxide is how it's normally done but I'd let it die naturally. If it's in pain treat the pain any pet shop should sell something.  

  7. take her the vets if you do it your self you would just be hurting her as you killed her the vets on the other hand dont!!!!!! its just sick to do it your self sick sick sick!!!!

  8. Take your rat to a vet and have him humanely euthanised (or treated!) It will not cost that much and besides, i is the last thing you will ever do for him. Surely he is worth that much. The vet can put him under anasthetic before putting him to sleep so he will really suffer no pain or distress.

    There are some times in life when saving money is just inappropriate and this is one of them. It would be one thing if it were an animal that was severely injured, that would die before you got it to the vet, and so where you were forced to euthanise them yourself. Do the right thing.

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