
What can i send my best friend for her birthday?

by  |  earlier

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I want to Mail something to my friend for her birthday and i got the idea of sending her a rose in a wine box with a glass case from another question. I just want to know what else would be a good idea? Something romantic or along those lines.




  1. go to builld a bear and make her something there!

    they have soo many things that can be romantic. you can put a pre-recorded sound in there or make your own. there are a lot of outfits you can choose from. they make GREAT gifts! :)

  2. You know.. spending the day with her and just hanging.. I am sure she would like..

    If not.. take her out for an ice cream

    Or to the movies.. or can give her a gift certificate for the movies

    Pay for someone to sing happy birthday to her in the first thing in the morning at her house..

    Make a big sign that sits outside her bedroom that says happy birthday buddy.. I love you.

    Or after she leaves for the day..ask her mom can you fill her bedroom with ballons.. and I mean alot of them.. so when the door opens.. tell fall out..

    Good luck..& she is going to be grateful for anything you do.. thats why your her best friend.

  3. your p**p in a box

  4. romantic? right..

    maybe something funny, like when you were young get something that both of you laughed at. memories are what people love.  

  5. aw you should do the whole message in a bottle thing with cute little gifts on the side i know you can fine a wine bottle somewhere and at some stores you can get wine labels and you can decorate it for her saying like yall's favorite inside joke and put a letter inside it!! Then just get her a bunch of little stuff..

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