
What can i stock my 29g with?

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IDK what to stock my 29g with.. suggestions??

Id like a community




  1. well, you have quite a few options here

    i will give you some ideas on numbers and on what can go together comfortably without the tank beeing overstocked

    SF > schooling fish

    BF > bottom feeder

    1 pair of anglefish

    3 guppies

    3 swordtails

    3 mollies

    6 cardinal tetras (SF)

    6 rosy barbs (SF)

    6 cory cats (BF)


    1 pair of dwarf gouramis

    3 platies

    6 serpae tetras (SF)

    6 rummy nose tetras (SF)

    6 otocinclus (BF)


    1 pair of kribensis

    6 short finned serpae tetras (SF)

    6 silver tipped tetras (SF)

    1 bristlenose pleco (BF)


    1 pair of blue or golden rams

    6 rainbow fish (SF)

    6 rummy nose tetras (SF)

    1 bristlenose pleco (BF)


    1 male betta

    3 platies

    3 swordtails

    6 cardinal tetras (SF)

    6 rasboras (SF)

    6 silver tipped tetras (SF)

    3 cory cats (BF)

    3 otocinclus (BF)

  2. guppies or convict

  3. well I have a 29 gallon stocked with 5 guppies, 5 platies 3 snails and 2 plecos butplecos grow large so instead get 8 black neon tetras and 8 normal neon tetras

  4. Amanda has VERY good suggestions, however, the amount of suggested livestock is off the wall. All the fish can and will thrive in a 30 gallon tank, but not all of them in the same tank.

    When setting up a tank under 50 gallons its important that you be aware that a 30 gallon tank does not have half the capacity of a 60 gallon tank, in fact its closer to a quarter. This is due to surface area, water columns, filtration and current. The smaller the tank the less biologically supportive it will be, while as you get into larger aquariums, you can nearly slap exponents on the biological capacity.

    I have a 29 gallon myself here, I have in it 1 sub-adult severum who will not be in it much longer due his own size, I keep 3 silver dollars, a few ottocinclus, and a solitary pictus catfish. Anything more and I'd risk overstocking the tank, which will lead to disease and sickness.

    Since the tank is a 29 gallon, we can tell its a "tall" tank, and so angelfish will thrive in this cube, however, you will need to find a specific species of them which are dwarved in comparison to normal angelfish. A typical angelfish will grow to be the size of a teacup's saucer, while if you seek out "Silver Dollar Angelfish" they shouldnt grow much more around than 2.5", and you will be able to sustain no more than  half dozen in there with no other community members. if you want other community fish like tetras, you'd best reduce the amount of angels to 3-4. As angels are aggressive towards each other, sexual balancing would be nice to invest in, however its difficult with angels to determine their s*x at a young age... Just be prepared to exchange a few if they turn out all male, you'll have chaos on your hands!!

    As far as the ghostknife is concerned, man, what a wonderful and beautiful and over everything else eloquent fish! I'd love everybody to be able to experience these fish in a good environment, but this said, its a variant of electric eel, and although it will not maim or injur you, it can cause odd effects on your fish from its very mild, but very existing EM field.  This should only be a concern for very very sensitive fish such as discus, which you would never put into a tank this size, but be aware it can cause odd complications under very strange circumstances if you ever upgrade your tank to a larger size.

    Tetras live great with angels, any one of those mentioned species will work just fine, however be aware you cannot mix and match tetras how you please, they're very social, but at the same time they're very.... how do you say it nicely.... racist... if you get 2 kinds of tetras, you will have 2 different schools of them. They will not interact with each other, 2 schools of tetras in a 29 gallon with half a dozen angelfish is simply too much, go for 5-8 tetras, and 3-4 angels.

    Gouramis are pugnacious, and need to be sexually balanced (2 females for every 1 male) which can become very aggravating if you only want 1, females are lazy and dont move much, males are a bit too aggressive to keep with angels on their own. But if you do skip on tetras, you could invest in 3 gouramis of any variety, I'd reccomend pearl or "lace" gouramis, I have a thing for them suckers... Remember to have more females than males of angels, and gouramis. Cichlids can do okay in your tank, but since its so tall, you'd probably want to take advantage of a vertical swimmer like the angelfish... just my opinion.... cichlids are so overdone these days, not many people get angels anymore.

    As noted though, I keep silver dollars in my 29g, which are of the same biotype as angelfish are also (blood red silver dollars), they're very nice fish and will thrive in a community with an angelfish.

    P.S. Yes, it is very important to match your water parameters to your fish, however nobody has mentioned to you that this is easily managed, ph buffering can be done easy as pie, temperature can be done easily enough with a thermometer, and every other parameter is easily manipulated these days, often chem free.

  5. 1 red tail black shark

    1 rubberlip pleco

    2 Giant Danio

    and 1 Upside-Down Catfish

    that should cover everything top middle and bottom

    put some caves and a few plant more caves if u can

    look those fish up and see if u like them

  6. Well, Don't listen to Amanda. I don't usually like pointing out other ppls answers, but you will end up with lots of dead fish fast if you follow what she says. Ghost knife fish will get 16-18 inches long, and eat smaller fish. Cichlids(I am guessing African, but angelfish are a type of cichlid) are so aggressive they will tear all those other fish to pieces, and also, the angelfish will eat your neon's. That is there natural prey in the wild. What I suggest is

    1 breeding pair of kribensis(They breed and protect the fry, it is so fun to water!!Once the fry are grown, you can sell them to almost any fish store.)

    5 Cory's(Any color you want. I personally like the peppered Cory's)

    8 Cardinal tetras

    5 female Betta fish (Female Betta's need to be in numbers of 3+ so if there is any aggression it is spread out and does not target one individual, kinda like African cichlids.)

    6 hatchet fish.

    Good luck with whatever fish you choose, just remember top research research research, so you know how to care for each fish, and if they are compatible!=)

    Edit: also, goldfish are coldwater fish, so they can not be housede with tropical fish.

  7. I have two bettas in two seperate 3 gallon tanks, but if I had a community tank I would put in...

    A Black Ghost Knief (1)

    Angelfish (2-5)

    Chichlids (2-5)

    Pink Tetra (1-5)

    Neon Tetra (1-5)

    Female Betta(2-3)

    Giving you a good number of fish, therefore keep Ich Remover on hand! Good Luck!

  8. Angels when grown will eat tetra's and a black ghost knife will grow up to 20" and will also eat smaller fish!

    going with the rule of 1" of fish to 1gallon of water (remember these fish will grow)

    4 x cardinal tetra

    4 x male guppies (unless you want babies ;)

    3 x panda cory

    3 x clown loach

    1 x pair gourami

    1 x plecostomus

  9. What temperature would you like to keep it at?

    I'd get a mix of differen't fish that use the levels. I'd say either Kuhli loaches or Dojo loaches to help keep the tank clean and populate the bottom level. For the middle/top maybe create a mix of guppys, clouded minnows, and neon tetra. Since you have a 29 gallon you could keep many in there. If you want something bigger then maybe put a mix of swordtails in there and you could even add a betta if you desired. If you feel bold, then you could add a plecostomus, they normally need a 30 gallon, but you could get past with a 29g. If your in the mood to clean, then get goldfish since they also need a minimum 30 gallon tank, but again you could slide by with a 29g. You just couldn't keep any other fish with the goldfish since goldfish tend to kill other fish. A bit on the pricer side, you could get Starburst fish, which are like tetra cept they come in highlighter pink, orange, and yellow.

  10. It depends on the pH and hardness of your water(kH also).Keeping fishes that do well in the kind of water that is easiest for you to provide is one of the secrets of successful fishkeeping.

    So find out what kind of water you "wind-up with" as you fill and cycle your tank and after a complete "fishless" cycle(It takes several weeks),test for hardness,pH,and kH. Find out what sort of fish thrive in this water and make your choices accordingly.

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