
What can i sub for meat for my daughter she does not get meat at all except 4 chicken nuggets ?

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and im noticing that she briuies easily on her legs could the lack of not eating meat be a reason she bruises easily. is there a subsittue that i can give her so she can still get protein and not bruise as easily thansk




  1. Maybe the bruising is due to lack of iron?  I would take her into the Doctor if you have any health concerns.  You can get all of your necessary vitamins and minerals w/o meat in your diet.  As for meat substitues, check your local grocery stores freezer section for a variety of Morning Star and Boca products that could be used in place of meat.  A more natural substitue would be beans.  I often use beans as a meat replacer.  Even in simple kid dishes such a sloppy joes!  Black beans instead of burger.  Yum.  

  2. Try faux meats, beans, peanut butter, and iron pills.

    Chicken nuggets are over processed and unhealthy.  If she has no trouble eating chicken nuggets she should eat regular chicken.  

    This is the vegetarian section and people who eat chicken are not vegetarians BTW.

  3. Maybe she's anemic.  Iron pills, daily vitamins, doctor's visit should clear that up.  Then work on maybe making her eat healthy?  That might be a good idea.  I don't eat meat at all and I don't bruise easily.  Don't blame it on not having meat.  Blame it on her eating chicken nuggets if anything, those are processed full of fat and sodium..why on earth would you feed your child those?  I mean if you want her to have them, at least make them home made with fresh boneless skinless chicken that you fix yourself so you know what is in them?  My children do eat meat and I cook them tenders that way, but I bake them and use only the freshest meat and whole grain/wheat flour for breading...they love them.  There are lots of meat substitutes out there as well that are high in protein and a whole lot healthier then eating "real" meat.  Much less fat content and it never had eyes and a heartbeat.  So hey, good luck...remember your child is a child and needs to eat healthy, that is all on you.  Good luck.

  4. There are vitamins, shakes, and a whole host of other items on the market for protein. Food-wise, if she will not touch anything besides chicken nuggets, there are many foods that are good sources of protein.

    Cheddar cheese, Cottage cheese, Eggs, Milk, Mozzarella, Ricotta, Yogurt, Oatmeal, Rice, Spaghetti, Whole wheat bread, Almonds, Cashews, Lentils, Lima beans, Peanut butter, Red kidney beans, Soybeans, and Tofu are all good non-meat sources of protein.

    Our protein needs depend on our age, size, and activity level. The standard method used by nutritionists to estimate our minimum daily protein requirement is to multiply the body weight in kilograms by .8, or weight in pounds by .37. This is the number of grams of protein that should be the daily minimum.

    However, discuss your child's diet with their pediatrician before starting the child on any new diet.

  5. She probably has low iron, you should get her iron checked.  You  need to make sure she is getting enough protein and other vitamins and minerals.  There are plenty of other sources though she needs to be willing to eat them.  

    Will she drink milk, eat cheese, peanut butter or eat eggs, these are not meat but will provide protein, though not much iron.

    There are other vegetables sources though they need to be paired together to make a complete protein.  Ex- beans and rice.  You really should take her to a health professional. They can give you a better list and find foods she will likely eat.  Good Luck!

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