
What can i substitute jicama with?

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What can i substitute jicama with?




  1. Chayote or Christophene woul dbe the closest. Or try Daikon.

  2. I use jicama in place of water chestnuts in stir fry.

  3. Jicama is not very sweet and is even on the dry side.

    I have found that Asian Pear comes closest to it in texture (mouthfeel), although the pear is sweeter. Any other pear that is NOT ripe would work but might give guests a tummy ache.

    Best to stick with Asian Pear. Even ripe, they are crunchy unless they are puckered to begin with.

  4. I'd say apple, and a crisp one, not mushy. The green apple suggested earlier is a good suggestion, julienned. If you can find an apple that's crisp without being too sweet or too tart, even better.

  5. Jicama actually doesn't have much taste - it is more a crunchy texture thing - so depending on the dish you could use a crisp apple or water chestnuts or even celery.  It is the crunch you are looking for.

  6. I really like jicama... and if i had to substitute it then I may consider using topinambur.

  7. It really depends on the recipe.  Nothing will be a lot like jicama.  If it is the primary ingredient, there's probably not a good substitute.  If it's combined with other things, you could substitute something light and crunchy that would go with the other flavors.  Celery, even green apple (or a combination) would work in place of jicama in some recipes.  Seeded cucumber and radish would work in others.

  8. I tend to substitute Jicama for Cabbage in my coleslaws, so I guess you could go that way, depending on how your trying to use it.  You can also use celery and carrots, but It would depend on the method your using it for.

    Some more information would be a huge help.

  9. I use jicama because water chestnuts aren't exactly available where I live.Even commercial stir fry mixes use jicama because it is cheaper.

  10. I was at the store yesterday and came across yellow carrots, they are actually quite good and will be similar in taste to jicama(I have found they aren't as sweet as regular orange carrots) only not dry and sans the chalky feel. You can shred them or Chop them to suite your needs and they also are relatively close in color to jicama. Good Luck and Happy Feasting!!

    -Little Chef

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