
What can i take as a alternative for asthma drug Advair

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Is there anything else at all that i can take thats a NATURAL Bronchodialator instead of my having to use this terrible medicine??

Advair combines a steroid(Fluticasone) and a Bronchodialator(Serevent) to reduce asthma symptoms..

Someone please help me get off this medicine as i hate taking makes my heart have abnormal beats that feel like skipped beats..

I have had a Stress Test,EKG,and a Echocardiogram done and the doctors say everything looks normal...

What can i do???

I know one of you knows how to treat asthma so please tell me what i can use as an alternative to asthma meds..PLEASE!




  1. hi.

    at i've found some alternatives to "advair" which are rated as following:

    *****  spiriva

    ***** singulair

    **** flovent

    *** pulmicort

    *** albuterol

    ** symbicort

    ** serevent

    have a nice day.

  2. It's good to hear that you're getting off of advair, it was on a list not too long ago of medicines that doctors wouldn't take, because it can improve your asthma but also can make it deadly.  I don't know of any home remedies myself, my little brother grew out of it.  best of luck to you though.

  3. come free with comfrey

    there's a pic. check the first set of pics at I took this in my back yard one evening

    did not have a clue as to what I'd see. . .  like an angel bending over the comfrey

    remembered hearing comfrey is also called bone knit and having a small broken bone in my foot, decided to pick and juice some from the back yard, a beautiful emerad green gel I applied to my feet. never felt it again.



  4. There are many remedies in Traditional Chinese Medicine (herbal and acupuncture) which may be able to help reduce your need to take the Advair.  Seek someone who is knowledgeable in all aspects of TCM, not just an acupuncturist--and hopefully he/she and your MD can coordinate their efforts.

    That said, DO NOT stop taking your Advair just yet.  Inform your MD that you intend to seek an alternative, and let him/her monitor your progress.  It may be possible to gradually decrease your dosages and eventually stop using the Advair (though you will likely always need an emergency inhaler, just in case).

  5. here is a list of sites displaying the herbs and aids that may help you

    drop a line if you do not succed I'll give an alternative way that may work better  

  6. Well let me tell you this Advair c**p is making your asthma worse.  Most asthma medicines do make it worse.  I can't tell you what to do but what I would do is do cardio on a regular basis.  Get some primetine mist must be that brand and use it only when I need it and only when I really need it.  Then what I would do is invest in some ma huang you can buy the whole herb over the net or in some chinese stores you can make teas out of this that can help with your asthma.  Also coltsfoot tea will help with your lungs you can use those two in a combination.  Also change your diet and include lots of pineapple in it.

  7. one word - XANGO. do what i did. go to the referenced website, click on request more info, leave your phone #, because its better to talk with a rep. oh, and dont forget to mention the words FREE JUICE. they'll know what u mean. good luck and take care!

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